A Life Not Wasted
February 22, 2023, 3:00 AM

Psalms 139:13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.


If you have been studying the life of Saul along with us, you know of his life-changing conversion experience on the Road to Damascus which transformed him from a Christian-hating persecutor to a totally sold-out believer!


The Word of God tells us that after his conversion, Saul did not immediately go to Jerusalem but instead went to Arabia where he spent three years alone with the Holy Spirit. It is believed that during that three-year period of time, the Lord imparted to him the New Covenant and gave him instructions about the Divine Calling on his life.


God had created Saul with a brilliant mind and an extraordinary memory. He was extremely intelligent and a good student. Prior to his conversion, Saul used these gifts and abilities in the world and against the Church but now he would use them for the purpose God intended.


This, my friends, is the way it is with all of us. We are all created for a specific purpose. We have natural talents and abilities that become obvious as children. No one has to teach us these things because God created us with them before we were born. For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. (Psalms 139:13)


The truly sad thing is that so many people never use their natural gifts and talents for the purpose God intended. Rather they use them in the world to make money or gain power and position in this life. This is beyond sad, it is actually a travesty.


My dad was one such example. He was a gifted artist and musician. He could draw very well and as a teenager, he drew portraits of famous people that look like photographs and other pictures that are simply unbelievable. I have a lot of his artwork. In addition, he could play all musical instruments. He never took a single lesson. He could just pick it up and play it because God created him with this talent and ability.


The sad part is that my dad never used any of these gifts for anything except his own pleasure. He never sold a single drawing or painting and he never made money with his musical abilities. Yes, this is sad, but the tragic part is that he never used them to further the Kingdom of God either. He never played a single Gospel song or hymn.


The fact is, my dad never did anything for Jesus. He was a good man who did the best he could to provide for his family and I loved him very much. He died at the age of 64 from bone cancer. His last days were spent in a hospice facility and I pray someone there shared Jesus with him and he accepted Him as his Savior. But, I don’t know about this. I don’t know if my dad is in Heaven or Hell.


What an asset he could have been in the Kingdom if he knew Jesus. Created with incredible talent, all basically wasted. What a shame. Don’t waste what God has created in you. You were created for a purpose to be used in the Kingdom of God. He knit you together and formed you exactly as you are to serve Him and be an asset in His Kingdom. Are you doing this or will someone write about you one day and declare your gifts and talents to be wasted?


Submit yourself to Christ. He will……..….turn the tide……….in your life.


Living a life not wasted,         Doreen

