Isaiah 53:1 Who has believed our report? And to whom has the Arm of the Lord been revealed?
The 53rd Chapter of Isaiah is the Prophesy of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. It is so accurate, Jewish people will rarely read and study it. They deny the Birth of Christ, His Ministry, Crucifixion and Resurrection therefore, it is difficult for them to read this part of the Prophesy of Isaiah. Personally, I don’t know how anyone can read it and not believe Jesus is the Messiah.
The Holy Spirit revealed to Isaiah the extremely important fact that, few would believe. That’s why he opened this Chapter with, Who has believed our report? Who indeed! Given the size of the Jewish population, this part of the Prophesy has long since been fulfilled: few have believed the report of the Lord.
The fulfillment of this Passage is found in John 12:37-38, But although He had done so many signs before them, they did not believe in Him, that the word of Isaiah the Prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke: “Lord, who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?”
To believe the Word of God to be true is essential to all faith in God. Those who don’t believe in the Word will have difficulty believing anything of God including Miracles, Signs, and Wonders, no matter how astounding they may be.
I don’t think most people understand what they have in their possession if they own a copy of the Bible. It is the VERY WORD OF GOD; the Creator of Heaven, Earth, and all things! This Passage, like all the Prophesies, is not only for the Jewish people but for all people. A very small percentage of the people on Earth truly believe in God and His Word. Few people believed even when Jesus walked among them, and few believe today.
God’s Will is for all to come to Salvation through His Son, but few do. Although He has done so many miraculous things, people still reject Him or live with half-hearted faith only calling on Him in times of total desperation.
Most people strive for great riches and name recognition but our goal in life should not be to have our names written on the list called “Who’s Who.” Rather, our goal should be to be counted among the few.
How about you? Who’s Who…..or…...among the few?
God’s calling you to be counted among the few. What’s your answer today? Where's your name?
Belief in God and His Word will……..turn the tide
Among the few, Doreen