Luke 15:10 Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the Angels of God over one sinner who repents.
In the 9th Chapter of the Book of Acts, we read that Peter went on a trip to visit the various churches in the region. He first visited Lydda where he was used by God to Heal Aeneas who was a well-known man in the community. His Healing caused many people in Lydda and Saron to turn toward the Lord. (Acts 9:35)
While Peter was there, he got word about a kind-hearted, Christian woman named Dorcas (Greek) or Tabitha (Syriac). This woman lived in Joppa and helped people in need, especially widows. She had been sick and finally died. The people heard that Peter was nearby and they wanted him to come to Joppa. The Bible does not tell us exactly why they summoned Peter because this woman was already dead. It can be assumed that they wanted him to come to comfort them but God had far more than that in mind!
Peter left Lydda and traveled twenty miles to the city of Joppa where the widow women had prepared Dorcas’ body for burial. They took Peter to where the dead body of Dorcas was. He asked everyone to leave the room and then he knelt down beside her. The Bible tells us that at that point, Peter prayed and called her by name and told her to rise! With that, she opened her eyes and sat up!
We are not sure how long she had been dead, but we do know that it was at least a day or two because of the distance between Joppa and Lydda. Nevertheless, when Peter said, “Tabitha, arise.” she did so! With that, Peter took her by the hand and lifted her up on her feet. He then called all the others back into the room where she was alive and well. What a celebration that must have been!
However, a far greater celebration happened in Heaven shortly thereafter when many in the city of Joppa gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ because of this Miracle! And it was known throughout all Joppa, and many believed in the Lord. (Acts 9:42)
Like Aeneas, who was Healed after spending eight years in bed with palsy, the Lord also used the raising of Dorcas to increase His Kingdom. Jesus told us that the Angels in Heaven rejoice when someone is saved. In this case, many were saved! Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the Angels of God over one sinner who repents. (Luke 15:10)
God still works in this same manner. He uses people to increase His Kingdom and the Angels rejoice in Heaven with every soul that’s saved! Hallelujah!
Only God can…...….turn the tide
Praise God! Doreen