Acts 19:15 And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?”
When the Jews attempted to cast a demon out of a man in the Name of Jesus, the demon spoke to them and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?” In this sentence, the meaning of the two Greek words “know” was lost in the translation into English.
Although both Greek words were translated “know” the Greek verbs were not the same and had an entirely different meaning. A quick study of the Greek verbs reveals that the demon was acquainted with Paul and knew about him and his ministry but he was afraid of Jesus because he knew Who He was; the Son of the Living God.
The demon’s words to the Jews “but who are you?” indicate that these people had no power over the demon at all and the demon knew it.
Satan and his demonic spirits know and fear Jesus Christ. They know that it was He Who went to the Cross to defeat them and the power they have over people. Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. (Colossians 2:15) The power of the enemy is still very active in the world today but it is nothing like it was prior to Jesus going to the Cross of Calvary.
We still deal with demonic spirits all the time, but as born-again believers in Christ, we have the Power to rebuke them and cast them out. I suppose the question is this: If you were to look into the eyes of a demon and command him to leave in the Name of Jesus, what would be his response?
Do you have the authority to cast the demon out in the Name of Jesus? Would the demon obey you and leave the person? This Ministry requires both Authority and Power. Jesus gave us the Authority (Luke 10:19) and the Holy Spirit gives us the Power. (Acts 1:8)
Think about it like this. A policeman has the authority and power to keep the law. His uniform, badge, and credentials show his authority. His gun has the power to enforce his authority. He needs both to do his job. A badge without a gun is worthless and a gun without a badge gains no respect. However, a badge and a gun cause people to listen and obey.
A person who is Saved has the Authority over the enemy. Their faith in the shed Blood of Jesus is their badge. When that person is filled with the Holy Spirit they also have the Power to cast out demons and perform other Miracles. A Spirit-filled believer has both the Authority and the Power to serve and operate in the Kingdom of God and see great things happen.
Authority and Power are a must. Without them, Satan and his demons just laugh and carry on with their destructive work. Do you have Authority and Power? If you are Saved by your Faith in the Finished Work of Jesus Christ on the Cross, you have Authority (the badge). But do you have the Power (the gun)? If not, seek the Holy Spirit. He is the Power needed for service in the Kingdom of God.
The Holy Spirit will………..turn the tide…… your life.
Serving with Authority and Power, Doreen