Daniel 7:7b was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns.
For the past several days we have studying the Dream of Daniel written in the seventh chapter of the Book bearing his name. Beginning in verse two and continuing through the first part of verse seven, we find his vision of four beasts which represent kingdoms led by evil spirits that have ALREADY come to pass. This has been the topic of our discussion over the past eight days.
We find ourselves here in the middle of Daniel 7:7. From here on in his dream, these events are still to happen. When? We don’t know but we can be assured, they will happen. As we said on the first day of this study, The prophesies of Daniel are so “right on” many believed that Daniel did not write the Book of Daniel, but that it was written much later. However, we know that to not be true. The Holy Spirit gave it to Daniel and he wrote it down.
So here we are in history, the Babylonian Empire has come and gone. Followed by the Medo-Persian Empire which was overthrown by Alexander the Great and his Grecian Empire. Then came the most powerful of all, the indescribable, Roman Empire.
This is where we are today; waiting to see how God will bring to pass the next part of this seventh verse. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. It will be different from all the beasts that were before it because it will have nothing to do with the Roman Empire. The great theologians believe the ten horns refer to ten kingdoms (or nations) that will rise up in the latter days which they believe (and I agree) will be in the very near future, or are forming right now.
These ten nations will bring great persecution to Israel. I believe we are seeing this part of Daniel’s Dream form now. Several years ago God instructed me, through a dream, to sound the alarm, which I did. Pay attention friends. Watch the news about Israel and what is happening in the Middle East. I absolutely believe something is about to happen that could very well change the whole world including America and life as we know it.
Be aware and be prepared. We are living in very exciting times. The Lord is speaking to many people the same message. I am hearing reports from all around the world of this exact same thing. Israel is, and always has been, God’s time clock. Political minds give no credence to the Prophecies of the Word of God. This is an extremely foolish move on their part. Every Prophecy in the Bible either HAS or WILL come to pass. You can be assured of that truth.
God would not fulfill all these Prophesies, only to stop now. It will come to pass and it may be very soon. I pray you are ready!
God will soon……..turn the tide
Preparing, Doreen