Be Saved From This Perverse Generation
April 24, 2022, 3:00 AM

Acts 2:40 save yourselves from this untoward generation.


These are the final words of Peter’s inaugural message on the Day of Pentecost. Many translations read, Be saved from this perverse generation. The people were gathered at the Temple for Feast Day. There were thousands there in attendance that day. The Holy Spirit gave Peter the words to speak and he spoke them.


The heart of his message was for them to come to Salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The hearts of the people there must have been extremely heavy as they lived with the fact that they had crucified Christ. No generation in all of history has been so guilt-ridden. It’s a wonder many did not commit suicide as Judas did after betraying Christ. Perhaps many did, we don’t know.


What we do know is that 37 years later all of Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans. General Titus commanded the Roman Tenth Legion which brought complete devastation to the great city. More than one million Jews were killed in the battle. Josephus, the great historian at the time, recorded that so many were crucified there was no more space for crosses. It was indeed a gruesome sight.


He recorded that hundreds of thousands of Jews were sold into slavery for very little money. This drove the price of slaves down to next to nothing. Yes, slavery and human trafficking have always been in existence.


It is remarkable to note that through all this, not a single Christian lost their life! Not one! They remembered the Words of Jesus when He said, But when you shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judea flee to the mountains; and let not them who are in the countries enter thereinto. (Luke 21:20-21)


The Roman records indicate that more than 600,000 Jews were thrown out of the gates of the City and that over one million were killed. This does not include all the others outside the City that were slain.


Given the history, we find that Peter’s message was of far greater importance than any of them could imagine on the Day of Pentecost. His final words were, save yourselves from this untoward generation. In other words, Be saved from this perverse generation.


Three thousand of them were saved that day and many more came to salvation prior to the Romans destroying Jerusalem. The Will of God is for everyone to be saved. It was then and it is today. Hear the Truth of the Gospel. Believe in the shed Blood of Christ on the Cross of Calvary. Be saved from this perverse generation.



God is about to……….turn the tide


Let those who have ears, hear.         Doreen