Boldly Standing
November 2, 2022, 3:00 AM

Acts 4:29 And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: And grant unto our servants, that with all boldness they may speak Your Word.


For the past two days, we have delved into the life and ministry of Martin Luther. The crux of it all is that he searched for the Truth of the Word of God and when he found it, he took a bold stand for it without consideration for himself.


Luther stood up against the hierarchy of the Catholic Church which at the time was the strongest force on earth. This has always been the pattern of all the people who have made a difference in the Kingdom of God. One example would be Noah, who heard the Word of God and despite the entire world telling him he was crazy, built the ark.


When we study the lives of Job, Moses, Abraham, Jonah, Joseph, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and so many others, we find one consistent pattern in them all. They all sought after the Voice of God, and although they were not perfect and made mistakes, God used them in a mighty way to build His Kingdom.


When we move into the New Testament time, the pattern continues with John the Baptist, the twelve Disciples of Christ, Paul, Timothy, Titus, and all the rest. The pattern is one of seeking, hearing, and obeying the Voice of God despite the threats of the world.


Of course, the greatest example was the man Jesus Christ. No one came under greater scrutiny or punishment than our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He knew what He was sent by His Father to do and He did it. He was in constant communication with His Father and never wavered.


Down through the ages God has used millions of people to build His Kingdom. Some were used in a great way while others in small ways, but anyone who seeks the Voice of God and wants to be used by Him will be.


God has always used people and He only has imperfect people to use. The fact is, He wants to use you! Are you willing to be used by God? Are you willing to take a bold stand against those who threaten you? Every born-again believer is called to boldly stand for the Name of Jesus Christ no matter what!


I have decided to follow Jesus. Though none go with me, I still will follow. No turning back. No turning back.



Don’t turn back now. God is about to……….turn the tide


Boldly standing! No turning back,         Doreen