June 4, 2022, 3:00 AM

Matthew 13:58 Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.


In this world, we have two sources of information: God and man. Who and what do you believe? When we say it like that it’s easy to respond that we stand on and believe the Word of God, but do we really? Do we really believe and trust in the Word of God over what we hear on the news and from those in the world? I venture to say, not.


The world has discounted the Word of God to the point of being nothing more than a collection of fairytales. A recent study revealed that a large percentage of CHRISTIANS don’t believe the Bible to be true. They have bought into the belief system of the world and have discounted the Holy Word of God. This, my friends, is a travesty, to say the least.


The greatest sin today is not homosexuality, abortion, murder, or thievery. It is the sin of unbelief. People (even those who profess to be Christians) simply do not believe in the Power of God through faith in the Finished Work of Jesus on the Cross of Calvary.


First, we must believe that the Word of God is 100% TRUE! Everything we read there actually happened. Every story is true. They are not made-up fairytales. You either believe that or you don’t. There is no middle ground.


To call yourself a believer means exactly that: You believe the Word of God…….all of it. Unbelief is and has always been the downfall of humanity. Jesus was unable to perform very many Miracles in His own town because of the unbelief of the people. Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. (Matthew 13:58)


Unbelief is the reason we do not see many Miracles today. People simply do not believe in the Power of God. What a pity! What do you believe God is able to do? The Word says that God is able to do anything. Do you REALLY believe that? Or are you a CHINO? What is a CHINO? A CHINO is a CHristian In Name Only.


Churches today are filled with CHINOs. These are people who come every week and sit there. They sing a few songs, put a couple of dollars in the offering plate when it comes by, listen to the words of someone, and then they go to lunch with their friends. These people have no belief in the Power of the Living God. Nothing Miraculous ever happens in that place they call church. Why? Because of the sin of unbelief.


CHINOs are not born-again Christians. They are not true believers. When Jesus returns for His Church, they will be left behind. Think about it, my friends. Don’t be a CHINO. Be a believer in the Finished Work of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary. Therein lies the Power of God to do ANYTHING!


Time is short. God is about to……….turn the tide


I believe,         Doreen

