Christ Is My Life
March 25, 2024, 3:00 AM

Yesterday we revealed the Mystery of God that Paul wrote about in his letters to the Colossians, Romans, and the Corinthians. That Mystery is that Christ is in us. To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the Glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: Which is Christ in you, the Hope of Glory. (Colossians 1:27)


God’s Plan is to reproduce Jesus Christ in all of us. This does not make us God or little gods as some cults teach but it does give us the ability to be like Jesus. When we voluntarily surrender our old man (the rebel inside us) to God and accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord, we take on the characteristics of Christ and have the ability to operate as He did. This is the new man and this is the Mystery, or Secret, God kept until the New Covenant was introduced to man.


Throughout the New Testament, we read about Christ. The four Gospels are full of His Story and all the wonderful Miracles, Signs, and Wonders He performed while He was alive on this earth. The rest of the New Testament (except the Book of Revelation) is instructions on how to apply the Word of God to our lives on a daily basis. I suppose it could be titled: Life As the New Man.


The fact is, God wants us to live 100% of the time as the new man which is Christ in us. Jesus went to the Cross of Calvary to make this possible. If you believe that Jesus died on the Cross then we have the ability to live as He lived. Whether we actually do it or not is on us. This is where our freewill comes into play.


Every day we make thousands of decisions about all sorts of things. Every decision is a choice to do right or wrong. The New Testament is full of life application Scriptures. It is our instruction book for living this life pleasing to God.


If you want to live your life pleasing to God, you must read His Word and follow His Instructions. We all have the ability to do this because Christ is in us. Christ is my life. Christ can be your life if you declare Him to be so. That is your decision to make. God has given us all the freewill to make choices. What do you choose? Do you choose Christ?


Jesus is coming back for His Bride that is without spot or wrinkle. Is that you? Is Christ your life? He wants to be. Surrender the old man and accept the Mystery of God which is Christ in you.


This is the Mystery that will……..….turn the this world!


Christ is my life!         Doreen