Christ Is The Head
July 12, 2023, 3:00 AM

Colossians 1:18 And He is the head of the body, the Church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.


Yesterday, we initiated a discussion on the constitution and by-laws for the church. While the IRS and state governments may require this, it is not ever mentioned in the Word of God. Therefore, this is a man-made law set in place by the state and federal government.


Over the years, to comply with this law, churches have appointed or elected committees of people to write the Constitution and By-laws for their particular church. Because we must comply with the law of the land, we do this but unfortunately, in most cases these documents are not based on the Word of God at all. Rather, the people on the committee refer to legal documents of other churches Constitutions and By-Laws as a guideline and the result has been apostacy.


The Book of Acts and the Epistles are to be our guidelines for the government and operation of the Church. Nowhere in the Word of God will you find the formation of a committee to search for a Pastor. Neither will you find the election of a Pastor who is to function as the leader of that body of believers.


This is where the Church has failed to function according to the Word of God which reads And He is the head of the body, the Church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. (Colossians 1:18) When the Doctrines of the Bible are adhered to by a body of believers, we will find Jesus Christ as the Head of the Church.


The Church is to be of one mind because it has One Head; the Lord Jesus Christ. He, and He alone, is to be the Good Shepherd and High Priest of the Church. No person on earth is qualified for this position. Jesus willingly suffered and died a horrible death on the Cross of Calvary so we can be saved and born again.


The Church is merely groups of like-minded people who place their faith in the Finished Work of Christ on the Cross. The early Churches were established in the faith, (faith in Christ and His Finished Work on the Cross) and increased in number daily. (Acts 16:5)


Due to man-made constitutions and by-laws, most modern day churches are nothing more than social clubs where friends and families gather together a couple of times a week to plan their next party or social event. This is not at all what the Book of Acts and the Epistles read for the Church.


Most Churches have a Statement of Faith. This is a list of things they believe. If the first thing on the list is not that Christ is the Head of their church, they are not a church at all. They may very well be a nice group of people that love each other and do community service, but they are not a Church in accordance with the Standard set in place by the Holy Spirit of God.


Does your church have a Statement of Faith? If so, what does is say? What do they believe and how does that set of beliefs line up with the Book of Acts and the Paul’s Epistles in the New Testament? I suggest you look into this and find the answers to these questions. It will be well worth your time.


Faith in Christ Crucified will……….turn the tide


Christ is the Head.         Doreen