Church Success
May 7, 2023, 3:00 AM

Matthew 7:16 You will know them by their fruits.


Our study through the Book of Acts is revealing God’s Pattern for His Church. It has become overwhelmingly apparent that the success of the early Church was based upon the people being led by the Holy Spirit.


What is the measure of success in a Church? Is it the size of the building and how elaborate it is? Is it how many paid staff members they have? Is it how many people are in attendance? Is it how much money they have stored away in their coffers? Is it the number of expensive cars parked in the parking lot? Is it the number of community programs they have? What is it that determines the measure of success of a Church?


The early Church was extremely successful and yet, it had none of the things listed above. So, what made them successful? Their success was measured by the number of people who were Saved and born again because of their Preaching and Teaching the Gospel of Christ. Success is names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. That is the Good Fruit of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Satan will do everything he can to get our focus off what God wants. Focusing on buildings, money, paid staff, fancy cars, and community projects and programs will result in churches competing against one another which is all founded in the demonic spirit of pride. We all know that pride is what resulted in Lucifer being banished from Heaven to begin with and it is still pride that drives him today. His goal is for every Church to be driven by pride instead of humility.


The leaders of the early Church were led by the Holy Spirit. They spent time in prayer and seeking the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction. He did not fail them and He will not fail us today. Unfortunately, whole denominations have banished the Holy Spirit from their midst while others put Him in a box and have not allowed Him to operate or function.


While these Churches may grow in number and assets, they rarely produce the Fruit God seeks from His Church which is names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life; people truly Saved and born again; people Healed and Delivered from the bondage of sin in their lives. This was the Ministry of Jesus and the early Church and this should still be the Ministry of the Church today.


The Holy Spirit is the Power of God to…..…….turn the tide……….in this dark world.


Thank you Lord,         Doreen