Church Titles
February 13, 2022, 3:00 AM

Acts 1:20 and let another take his office.


The Prophecies of old concerning Judas were precise and told exactly what would happen to him when he made the decision to betray Christ for thirty pieces of silver. When originally translated, the Prophecy read as follows: Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishoprick let another take.


Over time, the word bishoprick was changed to office. In other words, he would be stripped of his title and position. The word bishoprick is where we get the word bishop from. In the New Testament we find several words used for a person who is in a leadership position of a fellowship of believers: Bishop, Overseeer, Presbyter, Pastor, Elder, Shepherd, and Minister. They are all actually the same thing; the Leader of that congregation of believers.


Over time, the Church has developed titles for people who assume certain duties. Bishop would be one such example. Today a Bishop is someone who oversees a group of Churches but this is a man-instituted title. Although we all have positions in the Church, titles are not Scriptural. Titles tend to draw attention to the person holding that title which many times ushers in the evil spirit of pride upon that person and we all know how God feels about pride.


This is why I, personally, have never liked titles in the Church. No one is to be high and lifted up except the Lord Jesus Christ. He alone is worthy of a title and He is worthy of them all! We are all nothing except believers and servants. When we become weak, He will become strong. When we elevate ourselves or another person to a high position and assign a title of importance to that position, we are treading on dangerous territory.


At Betts Ministries no one has a title. No one person is better than anyone else. We are all here serving the Lord in the capacity in which we have been called with the gifts and talents we have been given. We recognize the Callings and all the Spiritual Gifts but none is more important than another.


We are not building an empire here for anyone. Together, we are building the Kingdom of God. We are one body with many parts and together we serve the ONLY One worth serving: Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God Who died on the Cross of Calvary for our sins. Hallelujah!


Serve the Lord with gladness. He will……….turn the tide


His servant,         Doreen