Hebrews 4:16 Let us, therefore, come boldly to the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain Mercy and find Grace to help in time of need.
Down through the ages, the world has always hated Christians. The opposition to Christ has always been evident and is extremely magnified today. This is the spiritual battle that continually rages in the heavenlies. If we could see this, it would scare us to death.
The opposition to Jesus began in the Garden of Eden and intensified throughout the centuries. Some may argue that Jesus was not even heard of at that time but remember, prior to His Incarnation, He was the Word of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:14) Satan’s opposition has always been to the Word of God whether it was the Verbal Word, Written Word, or Incarnated Word.
The Man, Christ Jesus, and the Word are perfect and perfectly Righteous in every way. This is what Satan hates because he is unrighteous in every way. He is the exact opposite of everything Jesus and the Word are. They are Righteous, he is unrighteous. They are the Truth, he is the father of lies. They are Light, he is darkness. They are Life, he is death.
Throughout history, we find periods of time when the Body of Christ does not seem to be so highly persecuted but today is not such a time. Personally, I believe Satan knows his time is short. He knows Jesus is coming back for His Bride and he wants to rob as many people as he can from their faith in Christ. Jesus warned us of times like this. If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.
(John 15:18)
Satan is definitely stirring the pot and causing the Church to be defensive. We find ourselves fighting back the enemy just to hold our ground when in actuality, we should be on the offense taking ground in huge numbers!
Yes, the world hates us and the enemy is raging but never lose sight of the FACT that the Holy Spirit of God Almighty, the Creator of the entire universe, is far, far superior to him. Greater is He who is in me, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)
If the enemy can convince us that we are losers, he wins. We ARE NOT LOSERS! We are WINNERS! We are on the Winning Team! Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God is our King! The Holy Spirit of God is our Teacher, Guide, and Counselor. He is the actual Power Source of God and He lives INSIDE us!
That means, that through Him we have the Power to put Satan under our feet where he belongs. STOP listening to the lies and more importantly, STOP speaking the lies yourself! Death and life are in the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21)
Hebrews 4:16 says Let us, therefore, come boldly to the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain Mercy and find Grace to help in time of need. The word boldly could also be translated, in confidence. The word Grace is the Enabling Power of God. Therefore, the actual meaning of this Verse is as follows: LET US THEREFORE COME WITH CONFIDENCE TO THE THRONE OF GRACE, THAT WE MAY WALK IN THE MERCY AND THE ENABLING POWER OF GOD FOR HELP IN OUR TIME OF NEED.
We must live every day with confidence in the Power of God! Jesus nailed everything Satan has to the Cross of Calvary and gained the VICTORY over it all! Satan is a loser. He is a defeated foe. We are the victors! Declare your Victory! Speak Life! Speak Truth! Speak VICTORY! Hallelujah!
Confidence in Christ Crucified will……….turn the tide……….in the Church.
Victory in Jesus! Doreen