Deal Closed!
March 22, 2023, 3:00 AM

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.


God was unfolding the New Covenant to Peter as he sat praying on the rooftop. He had slipped off into a trance when God not only showed him a Vision but spoke to him. The Vision was symbolic in nature but meant that Jesus died for all people everywhere. No people on earth were any longer considered unclean. Everyone had the ability to be Saved! Everyone!


Peter had a difficult time accepting this because Gentiles were a sinful lot who had no knowledge whatsoever of God! The Jews had been given all the Laws including the Sacrifices, the Temple, the Sabbaths, the Circumcision, the Rites, Rituals, and all the Ceremonies. All these things made them God’s people! The Gentiles had nothing! How could these unclean people be worthy of what God had for the Jews? As one theologian stated, “This was a bitter pill for Peter to swallow.” Consequently, when Peter heard the Words of God that day, he argued with Him. Not so, Lord, for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean. (Acts 10:14)


What Peter and the Jews didn’t understand and couldn’t accept had to do with all that Jesus accomplished on the Cross of Calvary. His Finished Work that Day fulfilled all of the Laws of the Old Covenant. Jesus told them what He came to do but they didn’t understand. Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. (Matthew 5:17) Unfortunately, most people today still don’t understand.


A covenant is a contractual agreement between two people. The Old Covenant was a contract between God and His people, the Jews. It had nothing to do with the Gentiles. It was much like a business contract we enter into today between two parties. As in all contractual agreements, both sides were represented in the contract or Covenant. All contracts have stipulations for each side and in most cases, they have a time frame. When the stipulations have been met within the time frame, the contract is complete and closed. At that point, that contract is no longer of any consequence to anyone. It is finished; a done deal.


A perfect example would be a real estate transaction where the Buyers enter into a contract with the Sellers to purchase a property. Both parties are required to do certain things within a set time frame. The Sellers must make the property ready as per the instructions set forth in the contract and the Buyers must come up with the money. When both the Buyers and the Sellers have fulfilled their side of the contract, the deal is closed and that contract is no longer of any consequence to either party. The Sellers don’t have to do anything else and the Buyers don’t have to come up with any more money. The contract is finished; over; done; complete; CLOSED!


This is the case with the Old Covenant (contract) made between God and the Jews. All the Laws were set in place by God and the Jews were to abide by them or they would not be granted the Forgiveness and Righteousness of God. This Covenant (contract) would remain active and in place until it was fulfilled; made complete.


The Jewish people couldn’t do it. They could not fulfill the contract. They couldn’t keep the Laws. That’s why God sent His Son, Jesus! He COULD fulfill the Law! He was Perfect in every way and was the only one qualified to be the Perfect Sacrifice God set forth in the Contract, the Old Covenant.


The Day Jesus went to the Cross on behalf of all people and became the Sacrifice for the sins of the entire world, the Contract was complete. When He said, It is finished. The deal was closed! Jesus had paid the price set forth in the Covenant. His Perfect Blood paid the price! At that moment in time, the earth shook and the Veil in the Temple was torn in two. The sins of all mankind had been paid for once and for all! The Old Covenant was no longer in effect. The deal was closed!



The Blood of Christ will still……….turn the tide……… this world.


Praise God for the shed Blood of Christ!         Doreen