Eyes And Ears
January 5, 2023, 3:00 AM

Mark 8:18 Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?


In the final Verses of the 6th Chapter of Acts, we find two groups of people: those who stood with the Jewish council and the Law of Moses and those who stood with Stephen and Jesus. Both groups were large in number and as we discussed yesterday, there was a revival and a riot happening at the same time.


Young Stephen had stepped into his God-given Calling as an Evangelist and took boldly to the streets preaching the Gospel of Christ. Stephen was a student of the Word. He knew the Law and he also knew the Words of the Prophets of Old.


We do not know if Stephen ever personally saw Jesus or heard Him Teach, but Stephen had the eyes to see and the ears to hear the Truth. He believed that Jesus was the Son of God; the Messiah that the Prophets of Old had spoken and written about. He put it all together and was not fearful or intimidated by anyone. He boldly spoke the Truth no matter who came against him.


In actuality, the Pharisees, Sadducees, and the Sanhedrin were not coming against Stephen personally, they were coming against the entire Christian movement. Their accusations against Stephen were exactly the same as their accusations against Jesus. It was all about blasphemy. They claimed blasphemy against Moses, God, the Law, and the Temple. Their religion was their life and it brought them power over the people and high positions in the Synagogue. It was the threat of losing this that caused them to rise up against Jesus.


They knew well the Words of the Prophets. They had heard Jesus Teach and they witnessed many Miracles. They also knew that it was by Divine Power that Peter and John were released from their prison. They had definitely seen and heard enough to believe and some of them did believe Jesus was the Messiah. (Acts 15:5) However for most, their position of power was more important so, they killed Jesus and as we shall soon see, they killed Stephen too.


People will do just about anything to maintain their position and power. This remains true to this day and I suppose it always will. The Word of God repeatedly teaches us to be humble and set aside every spirit of pride. While we all have been given Gifts, talents, and abilities all Glory must go to God the giver of all these things. In addition, while we each have a Calling on our lives, our greatest Calling is to be that of a servant.


Jesus did not come as a King. He came as a peasant. He did not seek a place of power or position although He had the highest position ever being the Son of the Most High God! His Life is our example. His Words are our Teaching. He said, Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember? (Mark 8:18) I pray you see what is Real, hear the Truth, and remember the Words of Jesus.


The Truth will set you free and……….turn the tide……….in your life.


Only the Truth,         Doreen

