John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
We have identified the first demonic spirit ministering to Muslims and Satan worshipers as the spirit of antichrist. This should be obvious to everyone. Muslims hate Jesus and are instructed to kill anyone who refuses to convert to Islam.
To hate Jesus is rejection of the Truth. Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Therefore anyone who hates Jesus rejects the Way, the Truth, and the Life. This is to live a life of lies which is the manifestation of the spirit of deception ministering to them. And with that, we have identified the second demonic spirit associated with the Muslims and Satan worshipers people. They are living a life of lies having rejected Jesus, the Truth.
The spirit of deception is the fuel that feeds this evil ideology which we have compared to a long, black train that is barreling across America. Satan, himself is the engineer operating the locomotive and is ministered to by the spirit of antichrist.
Right behind the locomotive is the coal car or fuel source. The demons of deception are constantly shoveling evil deceptive fuel into the locomotive empowering Satan in his attempt to conquer America and the whole world.
The Holy Bible, the Word of God is Truth. Muslims have been deceived to believe the more infidels (non believers in Allah) they kill the greater place they will have in heaven. This is a lie; deception. They have been brainwashed and indoctrinated in this false religion and are possessed by the spirit of deception.
We discussed a week or so ago that the Qur’an obligates Muslims to lie to further the cause of Islam. This is difficult for Americans and people of the Western World to accept because we expect people to tell the truth and we want to take them at their word. You cannot take a Muslim at their word because they are commanded to lie.
Remember, the spirit of deception is fueling the locomotive, engineered by Satan and the spirit of antichrist. The long, black train is now beginning to take shape as we search the Holy Scriptures for the Truth.
Locomotive: Satan; spirit of antichrist--------Opposed by the Righteous Spirit: FAITH in Jesus Christ
Fuel Car: Deception------------------------------Opposed by the Righteous Spirit: TRUTH of Jesus Christ
Only Jesus Christ will……..turn the tide
In Faith and Truth, Doreen