Feast Days In Jerusalem
March 4, 2022, 3:00 AM

Acts 2:5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under Heaven.


On the Day of Pentecost, when the group of believers were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues, there were many other people there in celebration of the Feast. On all the Feast days, Jews came from all over the Roman Empire to Jerusalem. During these times, they lived in Jerusalem for a period of time before returning to their homes. Also, there could have been other Jews who had moved back to Jerusalem and were now living there. In either case, the Word of God tells us that there were many Jews living there at that time.


Luke called them devout men. This means that they were “religious.” They were people who were sincere in their Jewish practices BUT they were not believers in the Lord Jesus Christ Who was their Messiah. He had already come and fulfilled the Words of the Great Prophets, but the Jews rejected Him.


Jews have always believed that the Messiah is coming. They still do! Jews today are still waiting for their Messiah to come and many travel to Jerusalem every year. The last time I went to Israel the plane was filled with Jews who were going to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles. It was a big, wide-body plane and there were very few of us on board who were not Jews.


In the old days, Jews believed the Messiah would come in Jerusalem and most likely at the Temple. Therefore, on the Day of Pentecost, they again went to the Temple for the Feast celebration hoping the Messiah would come.


The Fifth Verse of the Second Chapter of Acts describes the fact that the Temple Grounds was filled with people on the Day of Pentecost. The group of believers (approximately 120 in number) were there as well but I’m sure the devout Jews paid them little mind.


I don’t mean this to sound mean, but Orthodox Jewish people can be rather arrogant. They stay to themselves and don’t associate with non-Jews. I found this to be true on the LONG plane trip to Israel as well as in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. They see visitors as spectators and they have nothing to do with them. Anyone can visit the Temple Mount and go to the Wailing Wall but if t is crowded, Jews will just push you out of the way because they don’t believe you have any business being there. After all, they are God’s chosen people and you are not!


However, never let this deter you from making a trip to Israel if you have the opportunity. There is so much to see and the Bible will come to life right before your eyes as you sail across the Sea of Galilee and visit the ancient cities and places where Jesus performed so many Miracles and spoke to all the people. Trust me, it is an experience every born-again believer should have. It is the trip of a lifetime. I have been there twice and I would love to go back again if and when the world is in a better place.


I do believe the Lord is coming back for His Church soon. Therefore, I probably won’t have another opportunity to visit Israel again. Every Prophecy has been fulfilled except that of the Rapture of the Church. It won’t be long now. No one knows the day or the hour but soon and very soon we’re going to see the King. Hallelujah!


God is about to….…….turn the tide


I pray you are ready,         Doreen

