Follow The Leader
October 22, 2022, 3:00 AM

Matthew 4:21-22 He called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him.


When Jesus began His Ministry on earth, the first thing He did was call Simon (Peter), Andrew, James, and John to go with Him. His Words to them were, Follow Me. (Matthew 4:19) These four men were all fishermen by trade. They made their living by fishing but when Jesus instructed them to follow Him, they left their boat and nets and went with Him.


In the case of James and John, who were brothers, the Word of God tells us that they not only left their boat but they also left their father. He called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him. (Matthew 4:21-22)


Jesus literally spoke to these men and asked them to go with Him. His Message to everyone was, Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. (Matthew 4:17) This got their attention, but when they heard Jesus speak directly to them, they dropped what they were doing, turned from their jobs and families, and went with Him. Somehow, they knew in their spirit that God was speaking to them and calling them to be a part of something spectacular, and they responded in the affirmative.


This “knowing” that these men had inside themselves was the Drawing Power of God. Jesus spoke to this process when He said, No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him. (John 6:44) God spoke to their spirits and drew them to follow Jesus and everyone since that time has also been drawn to Him in the same manner. Supernaturally, we just know that God is speaking to us personally and drawing us to follow Jesus. It is just as if Jesus walked up to us as He did all the Disciples and said, Come, follow Me.


While we do not have the ability to physically be with Jesus, we do have the ability to follow Him by being obedient to His Word (which as we stated above, is Him). Just as the Disciples left their homes, businesses, and families to follow Christ, we are called to do the same. This is not a part-time, one-hour-a-week thing. Jesus did not tell the Disciples to meet Him on the shore of the Sea of Galilee next Sunday morning at 11:00 am. Rather, He instructed them to go with Him everywhere He went. And so it is with us. As followers of Christ, we are called to a lifelong commitment to follow Him just as if He were here with us physically.


The children’s game Follow the Leader is based on this Biblical Truth. In the game, the followers are to do exactly what the leader does. Where the leader goes, the followers go as well. What the Leader says, the followers say too. It is our duty as followers of Christ, to walk like Him, talk like Him, and do exactly what He would do if He were here. We are to follow our Leader who is still with us in the form of the Word of God. In the game, those who are able to follow the leader, win. The same is true with the Followers of Christ.


We have been drawn by God to follow Christ. We are not forced to obey His Call on our lives. We can choose to be in the game or not. We are given the choice to follow Him or reject Him. Anyone who wants to follow Christ is welcome. No one is turned away.


Today is the day to hear the Voice of God calling you to get in the game and do your best to follow Jesus, our Leader. The rewards are great both here in this life and for all of eternity. Jesus said, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, (Matthew 19:28) Hallelujah!


Get in the game. Follow the Leader and He will……….turn the tide……….in your life.


Wherever He leads, I’ll go.         Doreen