Give Yourself Over
December 21, 2024, 3:00 AM

Acts 1:8 But you will receive Power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.


Without the Holy Spirit there is no Power of God. He is the Power source of the Lord God Almighty. He is able to do literally, ANYTHING! 


However, the Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will not force His way into any place. He must be invited to come in and when He is, He will enter in and minister to the hearts of the people there. When the Holy Spirit is present, anything can happen!


It is our responsibility to facilitate the atmosphere in which the Holy Spirit can minister. Although He CAN operate anywhere and He does reveal Himself to people in various places, when we welcome Him in, He will come.  


This is the supernatural ability of God, of which there are no limits. People limit God. They allow Him to be a part of their lives at certain times, and that’s it. They feel that they don’t need Him all the time. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We need the Presence and Ministry of the Holy Spirit every day, all day long. He is not at a certain place where we go on Sunday morning. He is not just in our prayer closet or at the Altar of church buildings. He is everywhere and can be with us every minute of our lives. The Word of God tells us that the Holy Spirit is our Helper, Comforter, Teacher, Guide, Counselor, Healer, Provider, and the Power Source by which all Blessings of God come our way.


Whatever you are struggling with, ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Seek the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit of God who created you in His Own Image. He knew you before you were in your Mother’s womb. He knows every hair on your head. He is your Creator and Sustainer. He wants to bless you in a greater way. He wants to heal you, guide you, provide for you, help you, comfort you, and teach you. He wants to set you free from your past and the darkness of this world. He wants to do all this, but He is waiting for you to invite Him in to do so.


You may be a believer in Jesus Christ and His Sacrifice on the Cross at Calvary and yet, living every day in sorrow and despair, suffering with pain, bruised by the world. Be encouraged today my friends because we serve the God of Hope and Deliverance! 


All you need do is believe in the Power of the Holy Spirit and surrender your burdens to Him. You can’t do this by your own willpower or you would have done it long ago. You can’t, but He can! Today is the day to get on your knees and surrender your burdens to the ONLY One who can bring REAL change to your life.


Invite the Holy Spirit to have His way with you. Stop listening to the words of man and give yourself over to the Word of God. Give up! Surrender! That’s when you will see God move in your life like never before!  


The Holy Spirit of God can……….turn the tide


Given over,      Doreen