God Knows Everything
August 25, 2023, 3:00 AM

1 John 3:20 For whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and He knows everything.


Yesterday, we touched on a subject that many people don’t understand. That is, Why does God allow bad things to happen to His people? Most people ask “why” when things like this happen. While we may not get the answer as to why God allowed something to happen, eventually, if we will examine the situation in faith, we will see the good that comes from it.


The fact is, God is omniscient. This means that God knows everything; past, present, and future. He knows what is going to happen in the future (1 John 3:20). He knows every detail about us, our lives, and everything around us. In Matthew 10:29-30, Jesus speaks about God knowing every sparrow that falls to the ground and the fact that He knows when we lose one hair on our heads.


In Psalm 139 we read that God knows our thoughts before we speak and the true intentions of our hearts. He knit us together in our mother’s womb as He created us exactly as He wanted us to be. God knows His Plan and Purpose for each of us and it all somehow fits into His Kingdom and the betterment of it.


Never ask God why something has happened because He will probably not tell you the answer. However, over time, if you remain faithful to Him, you may be able to look back and see all the good that came out of what seemed to be a tragedy at the time.


We have been studying the Book of Acts for several months. In the 16th Chapter, we find that Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown in jail because they cast a demon out of a young woman. These men were preaching the Gospel of Christ and ministering to the people. They were doing God’s work! They were speaking the Truth to the lost and dying world. Why would God allow Paul and Silas to be beaten and thrown in a horrible jail for doing what they were called to do?


Well, as we continue to read on in Chapter 16, we find out what happened that night in the jail. In short, God performed a Miracle by causing an earthquake. Not only did all the jail doors come open but all the chains fell off all the prisoners. All that is miraculous and good, but what really happened is that every prisoner, the jailer, and everyone in his family came to Salvation! That’s why Paul and Silas had to endure the beating and imprisonment. It wasn’t about them. It was all about the Kingdom of God.


This is why Jesus said, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33) It’s all about the Kingdom, my friends. Yes, God loves us all very much and He will use us to further His Kingdom. As the old children’s song goes, “And that’s what it’s all about.”


Don’t ask Him why. Just trust Him and He will…..…….turn the tide……….in your world.


Thank you Lord!         Doreen

