God Made A Way
November 8, 2024, 3:00 AM

John 3:5 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.


I recently heard a sermon where the preacher painted a powerful word picture. He began by describing a most wonderful place that resembled a huge, magnificent theme park. Inside was the most beautiful place one could imagine. There were fabulous attractions and continuous, beautiful music. Everyone wanted to go to this place because there was no place on earth like it.


Groups reserved buses, planes, and trains to take them there. Families and friends crammed together in cars and drove for hours to reach this destination. Those who lived close by walked or rode bicycles. This place was so exciting, everyone wanted to go and would do whatever they could to make their way to the entrance.


Once in the parking lot, people walked to the beautiful entrance gate which could be seen in the distance. Tremendous masses of people gathered, waiting their turn to enter. Crowded together, all facing the same direction they slowly made their way to the front. As they approached the entrance they could see that there was only one turnstile guarded by a single individual.


The guard’s job was to verify each person’s right to enter. Although they arrived in groups of friends and family, each person approached the guard and turnstile on his own. No one was allowed to take anyone with them. Wives had to let go of their husband’s arm and friends were separated from each other. At this point, every person approached the guard alone.


Most were turned away. For some reason, they did not qualify to enter the park. Crying and pleading their case, they were escorted away from the entrance and off the premises.


Those individuals who the guard deemed qualified to enter were allowed to push through the single turnstile and were made welcome inside by hundreds of people they seemed to already know.


Why were a few allowed to enter but the majority were turned away? This is the question of eternity. Jesus described it like this in Matthew 7:13-14 Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.


Our goal in life is to be counted among the few. We are all headed toward that narrow gate at the entrance to the Kingdom of God. Heaven is a beautiful place and everyone wants to go there. There is only one way. Upon arrival at the gate, the guard will not listen to excuses and explanations. He doesn’t care about all the good things the person did on earth. There is only one thing that matters. God made a way for every person to be granted entrance, but there is only One Way. Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by Me.


We live in God’s world. He makes the rules. He made the Way. We can choose to accept Him or reject Him. One day we will each stand alone at the Gate of Eternity. At that point in time there will be no turning back. The guard will either reject us and give us over to be escorted out, or he will deem us worthy and allow us to enter through the Narrow Gate. If you died today, what would the guard say to you?


Only God can……..turn the tide


Thank you Jesus,              Doreen

