God's Plan
July 6, 2022, 3:00 AM

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.


God asked Abraham to offer his son, Isaac, to Him as a sacrifice. Symbolically, Isaac represents anything we hold dear to our hearts. It can be anything that we love and cherish. What is your Isaac? What do you have that you love with all your heart? Let me share with you a personal story.


I have one grandson. His name is Joseph. It was a Miracle that Joseph was even born and survived. He was born at 26 weeks gestation. There is a lot to that story, but for now, suffice it to say that I knew from the day he was born that God had a special plan for his life.


At the age of six months, Joseph and his parents moved to Oklahoma and they lived here on my ranch for eight years. During that time, Joseph spent a lot of time with me. He was at my house more than he was at home. He went to church with me and I did my best to train him up in the Ways of God. At the age of seven, Joseph gave his heart to Jesus and I baptized him in the swimming pool.


Just before Joseph’s ninth birthday, he and his parents moved to Oklahoma City. This was one of the most difficult things God asked me to endure, but I got through it. Joseph would come to spend every holiday weekend with me and all summer, but it was not the same as having him here all the time.


What I didn’t realize was that God was teaching him some things that I had been protecting him from. I had created a comfort zone for Joseph but in order for him to grow and mature, God took him out of that comfort zone. As for me, I had to learn to trust God to protect him. It wasn’t easy, but I did it to a certain extent.


Then, when Joseph was sixteen, he was having a hard time at home and his mother called and asked if he could come to stay with me. Of course, I jumped at the chance and immediately went and got him. He had been through a lot during those nine years, but God never left him or failed to protect him.


Like Jeremiah, God has a Plan for all of us and my Joseph is no exception. I have known from the day he was born that God had something special for him. He has been an overcomer since conception because God made him strong. God never revealed His Plan for Joseph but I knew it would be something very special.


All God asked me to do was trust Him and His Plan. I had to let go of Joseph so God could take hold of him. There is more to this story and I will continue it tomorrow. As for now, please know that whatever, or whomever, it is God is asking you to trust Him about, do it. You can trust Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is there when you are not there. He never sleeps or grows weary.


Fully trust Him and He will….….turn the tide ……….in your life.


Until tomorrow,         Doreen

