God's Power Source
March 19, 2022, 3:00 AM

Galatians 3:5 Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works Miracles among you,


The Holy Spirit is the Power Source of the Godhead. Without Him, there is very little moving of God. So many people today believe in the Father and the Son but totally disregard the Holy Spirit and this is why we see very few (if any) Miracles performed in Church today.


The purpose of this study of the Book of Acts is to lay out God’s Pattern for His Church. As we have stated several times over the past weeks, the Church is to be the continuation of Jesus’ Ministry on Earth. Jesus had the Holy Spirit and every Miracle He performed was done by the Power of the Spirit of God. God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with Power, Who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. (Acts 10:38) If Jesus needed the Spirit, how much more must we need Him?


People and/or Churches that cast off the Holy Spirit are dead. I don’t know if God sees this as blasphemy of the Holy Spirit or not, but as for myself and Betts Ministries in Caney, Oklahoma, we welcome the Presence, Power, Work, and Anointing of the Holy Spirit every day, all day long.


The purpose of this Ministry is to see people changed and the Holy Spirit is Who does the changing. To totally transform a person is a Miracle. Salvation, Healing, and Deliverance from demonic spirits are all Miraculous acts. Without the Holy Spirit, there is no Working of Miracles. No one gets Saved without the Holy Spirit convicting them of their sin and drawing them to Repentance. This is the Work of the Holy Spirit.


One of the first Words of God to me in regard to this Ministry was this: Create the atmosphere where the Holy Spirit can Work in the lives of those present. God repeated this to me more times than I can count.


He also said, This place is not a “church.” It is a place of Ministry. This statement has caused me to look closely at the difference between church and ministry. I always thought church was a place of ministry but I was wrong. There is very little ministry in church today. Why? Because the Holy Spirit has been shut down, or worse yet, shut out!


The Holy Spirit will not force Himself on anyone or any church. He only goes where He is welcomed. If you want to see Miracles, Signs, and Wonders, you must allow the Holy Spirit to Minister as He sees fit. Contrary to what many Christians say today, Jesus does not perform Miracles on Earth any longer. He did what He was purposed to do by God the Father. He willingly went to the Cross of Calvary to pay the price for the sins of the world. Now He sits at the Right Hand of the Father and makes intercession on our behalf. It is the Holy Spirit Who now is the Power Source of God. Without Him, there is nothing.


However, we do not worship or pray to the Holy Spirit. We worship Jesus Christ who, by going to the Cross, made all this possible for us. When He Ascended into Heaven, the Holy Spirit was sent to dwell in the heart and life of every believer. He brings all the Power of God with Him and HE LIVES IN YOU! Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works Miracles among you, (Galatians 3:5)




The Holy Spirit is the Power of God to….….turn the tide


Praise God for His Holy Spirit,         Doreen

