God's Timing
January 28, 2022, 3:00 AM

Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the Angels of Heaven, but my Father only.


The Words spoken by Jesus are the most important ever spoken on Earth. Many of His Teachings, Parables, and Warnings are included in the Canon of Scripture. We would be well advised to read them, study them, and abide by them.


In the first part of the Book of Acts, we find Luke’s recordings of Jesus’ last meeting with His Church at that time which consisted of approximately 500 people. They had heard Jesus speak and teach and yet as He told them the same thing again, they still didn’t understand.


I believe they knew their time with Him was short so they asked Him questions about things they needed clarification on. One of their questions was about the time frame for that which was to come. Jesus had already told them, But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the Angels of Heaven, but my Father only. (Matthew 24:36). They had heard Him say this and yet they asked Him again.


To have total understanding and clarity on Scripture it is necessary to go back to the original Hebrew and Greek words and seek the translation. In Acts 1:7, Jesus said, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the father has put in His Own Power. At first glance, this would appear to mean the same thing as He said in Matthew 24:36, but there is a slight difference. We find it in the Greek translation.


The Greek word Jesus used for “power” is “exousia” which means “control.” This translation brings a different meaning to the Statement. God, the Father, is in total CONTROL over the timing of everything. Jesus’ Statement in Matthew 24:36 would indicate that the Father “knows” the timing, which He does, but His Statement in Acts 1:6 tells them that the Father is in CONTROL of the timing. That, my friends, is two completely different things.


This would indicate that God, the Father, can change the timing if He wants to. He can delay things or hurry them up. He is GOD! He is in CONTROL; total control. He can do whatever He wants to do, period.


We are living in a very exciting time in history. Every Prophecy in the Word of God has come to pass up to the Rapture of the Church. Many theologians believe that God is waiting to Rapture His Church as He extends the Gift of Repentance and Mercy to millions (if not billions) of spiritually lost people around the world. I am in agreement with this but how long will He tarry? It is God’s Will that every person be Saved. How long will He wait? How much more time will He give the world. This is what we don’t know and this is why we need to be ready to go when we hear the Trumpet.


It won’t be long now. God is about to……….turn the tide


Ready to fly,         Doreen

