Holy Spirit Inspired
April 13, 2024, 3:00 AM

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in Righteousness.


When Jesus told His Disciples that He would be leaving them, He also told them that He would be sending a Helper to be with them and cause them to remember everything He had told them. This is extremely important because the Holy Spirit was the Inspiration that wrote the Scriptures.


Many people don’t believe the Bible to be true because it was written by a bunch of people who were no better than they were. The Bible was written by people but it was Inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. This means that they wrote what the Holy Spirit revealed to them and instructed them to write. They did not write their own words, but those of the Holy Spirit.


Jesus was the Teacher when He lived on earth but as Jesus was about to leave, He told them that He would be sending His replacement. He also told them that His replacement would be better than He was. They had a difficult time understanding this, but when the Holy Spirit came, they knew what Jesus had told them was true.


In some editions of the Bible, Jesus’ Words are typed in red ink. We love to read the Words of Jesus and many people ONLY read the Words written in red ink. However, in actuality, Jesus never wrote a single Word in the Bible. He spoke to His Followers and the Holy Spirit brought to their remembrance the Words He spoke.


The Words of Jesus that the Holy Spirit reminded them of are the words they wrote down and we now know as the New Testament. If we were to do a comparison of the Four Gospels we would find many similarities in the Words written in red, but they are not all exactly the same. This is because the man who actually wrote it down was being reminded of the Words of Jesus. He wrote what he was reminded of and was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write.


Just as the spoken Words of Jesus were profitable instructions for living so is the entirety of the Word of God because it is all Inspired by the Holy Spirit of God and it reminds us of the Words of Jesus as He taught the multitudes. The Word of God is our handbook for living our lives pleasing to God the Father. Every Saved, born-again person wants to live their life in this manner. We long to one day hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”


All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in Righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16)



The Holy Spirit will…...….turn the tide……..in your life.


Inspired,         Doreen

