Humility Is Strength
January 3, 2024, 3:00 AM

Psalms 25:9 The humble He guides in justice, and the humble He teaches His Way.


The Word of God has much to say on the subject of humility which is the state of being humble. The definition is the lack of arrogance and pride; having a modest view of one’s self. However, the Word of God goes way beyond this definition.


Humility, from a Biblical standpoint, is an essential segment of the Christian lifestyle. True humility is to view ourselves as totally helpless without God. As born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are called to be humble followers of Christ just as the Twelve Disciples were called to follow Him.


Jesus expressed humility from His Birth to His Crucifixion and Resurrection. Although He was 100% God, He remained dependent on His Father. He spoke only the Words His Father gave Him and He acted in total obedience to His Father.


In the 11th Chapter of the Gospel according to Matthew, we read the following Words spoken by Jesus. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30) This is the Call of the Lord to humility. When we take our burdens and troubles upon ourselves to solve, we are operating in pride. We can do it ourselves and we do not need help from anyone including God. This is a farse and is pure arrogance!


The truth is, we don’t have to do it ourselves. We don’t have to lie awake all night worrying. We don’t have to be anxious about what is about to happen. Although we might not realize it, all these things are the absence of humility in our lives. If humility is the lack of arrogance and pride, then pride and arrogance are the lack of humility.


Humility is to be the way of life for the true, born-again Christian. Everything of self must be laid down at the foot of the Cross of Christ. We, in and of ourselves, are nothing. In Christ, we can do all things, but without Him, we can do nothing.


I can do all things through Christ Who is my strength. (Philippians 4:13) This Verse of Scripture is well quoted but oftentimes, misquoted and misunderstood. It is actually a declaration of total humility. If Christ is our strength, then we have no strength on our own. Humility is a good thing. To the world, it appears as a weakness, but for those who are in Christ, it is the Power and Strength of God Almighty.


Become weak and watch God…...….turn the tide…… your life.


I am weak, but He is strong.         Doreen