I Choose Jesus
June 21, 2024, 3:00 AM

Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.


Yesterday, we began a discussion on having an intimate relationship with Christ. The Apostle Paul wrote a lot about this in his many letters to the various churches in the region. These letters have been included in the Canon of Scripture and are valuable to every believer.


In his letter to the Church in Rome, Paul wrote about being a carnal Christian. This is a person who believes in the fact that Jesus died on the Cross but they refuse to have an intimate relationship with Christ and the Holy Spirit. Many of these people totally reject the Holy Spirit which is a dangerous mindset.


A carnal Christian is led by the flesh; their wants and desires. This is not God’s Plan for His children. He sent the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, teach, counsel, and help us in every aspect of our lives. When we become dependent upon the Spirit of God, we will stop being dependent on ourselves. This is what it means to be a Spirit-led Christian.


The carnal Christian is constantly worrying about things. They trust in themselves for provision, protection, joy, hope, and peace, just to name a few. No one can gain any of these things on their own. On the other hand, the Spirit-led Christian leans totally on the Spirit of God. They trust God for everything. This is God’s Way and Plan for our lives as believers in Jesus.


You see, Jesus went to the Cross to defeat all power of the enemy in our lives. Worry, sickness, chaos, confusion, depression, oppression, grief, despair, hate, bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, strife, sexual perversion, lying, dishonesty, gluttony (and the list goes on) are all sins and Jesus died on the Cross for them all.


Sin is the work of the enemy to destroy us and rob us of our hope, joy, and peace. Satan wants us to live in sin and be driven by the flesh. Jesus died so we don’t have to live a miserable, sinful life. If you believe Jesus died on the Cross for your sins and all the work of Satan, then you can live every day of your life in total freedom from all condemnation and walk in the abundance of Hope, Joy, and Peace. It’s your choice How do you choose to live?


Jesus went to the Cross to……….turn the tide……….in your life.


I choose Jesus!         Doreen

