It's All About You, Jesus
February 7, 2022, 3:00 AM

Acts 1:4 He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father.


The people we are studying about in the Book of Acts knew Jesus personally. They traveled with Him and listened to Him Teach and Preach. They watched as He Healed people from sickness and every type of disease. They witnessed Him casting out demons from folks who had been oppressed and possessed for years. When I say they “knew” Jesus, I mean, they KNEW Him.


I would venture to say that many of them were among those in the crowd at Golgotha the Day He was Crucified. They also watched as His Body was buried in the borrowed tomb. These are the same people who heard of His Resurrection and then actually spent time with Him after that. The Bible tells us that He appeared to well over 500 people AFTER His Resurrection. This is a very well documented fact of History.


This group of people were with Him and personally received the final Words spoken by Jesus on earth. They heard Him speak and tell them how to proceed as the New Testament Church. So, what did He tell them? Did He tell them to start forming committees and institute programs for the people? Did He tell them to have two services every Sunday, a prayer meeting on Wednesday night and a ladies meeting once a month?


Did Jesus instruct His believers to write a constitution and by-laws for their congregation? Did He tell them to develop a hierarchy and a chain of command within their membership? Did He even speak of membership?


Did Jesus ever speak of His Church being a place of employment for anyone? (I could write a whole book on this one!) Did Jesus ever draw a paycheck? Did He ever pay His Disciples? Did the Disciples have expense accounts? Did they receive travel pay; so much a mile on their camels or on foot? Did Jesus charge admission to those who came to hear Him give the Sermon on the Mount? Did He sell tickets to those whom He served lunch to on the bank of the Sea of Galilee? Did He? Did He?


The answer to ALL these questions is a big, fat, NO! Jesus never did any of this and He never instructed His Followers to do it either. However, the modern Church does ALL of it. Unfortunately, Church today is just another form of big business with employees, big payrolls for bit shots, and balance sheets. The modern Church is so far off of what Jesus taught, it’s pitiful!


So, what did Jesus say? He said, Wait for the Promise of the Father…..You shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit…….You shall receive Power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. (Acts 1:4-5; 8)


The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is to be about Ministry to the lost and dying world. It is to be an extension of the Ministry of Jesus when He walked on earth. It is to be a witness of Him! It’s not about you, me, or anyone else. It’s all about Him!


Make it all about Him and watch Him……….turn the tide


It’s all about you, Jesus, Doreen