Jesus At The Center
February 8, 2022, 3:00 AM

Acts 1:15 And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the Disciples, and said, the number of names together were about an hundred and twenty.


After Jesus Ascended into Heaven the group of believers traveled to Jerusalem to wait for the Promise of the Father, as Jesus had instructed them. This Promise is, of course, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit without which there is no Power of God to continue Jesus’ Ministry.


Remember, every supernatural act Jesus performed was by the Power of the Holy Spirit, not as a man. Until the Holy Spirit descended upon Him, His Ministry did not begin. There is no Power for Ministry without the Holy Spirit; not even for the man, Christ Jesus.


Verse 15 tells us that there were approximately 120 people in the group in the Upper Room. We know from studying the Gospels that there were 500 people who actually witnessed Jesus being with them after His Resurrection and heard Him speak to them. They also watched as He Ascended into Heaven and yet by the time they walked approximately 1/2 mile to Jerusalem and got to the Upper Room, there were only 120 left. That means that approximately 380 people fell away!


This 120 people were the foundational group of the First Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus was gone but they still believed. Faith in Him and His Sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary was the Cornerstone of the First Church and they numbered just 120 people.


It is important to note that Jesus’ mother, Mary, and his brothers, James, Joseph, Simon, and Jude, were in the group. Although his half-brothers did not believe in Him earlier, (John 7:5) obviously they did now! The Word does not mention His sisters but I can’t help but think they were there as well although we don’t know for sure. Mary had witnessed Jesus’ whole life and I’m sure she had a great influence on all her children. Also, I’m sure Jesus appearing to His half-brother, James, after His Resurrection would make quite an impact on all of them. In any case, Jesus’ family was in the founding group of believers that instituted the First Church.


At this time Peter stood up and took his place as their leader. It might seem natural for Jesus’ eldest brother, James, to be their leader but Peter took this position. We will learn later that James became the Pastor of the First Church while Peter remained in his leadership position. This had to do with the individual Calling on their lives which we will discuss tomorrow.


Although these men stepped into positions of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ remained at the Center of it all even though He was no longer with them in the natural. This is the way God intended it to be then and now. This is the beginning of the Pattern for the Church set in place by God: Jesus forever at the Center. He is to be the Cornerstone; the Foundational Rock upon which His Church is built. When the Church is built properly the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) Hallelujah!


With Jesus at the center, God will……….turn the tide


Jesus is the Rock,         Doreen