Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
The Apostle Paul knew the mission God had placed before him. He understood the Calling on his life and he didn’t question it. I suppose, given the person he used to be (Saul) he was grateful that God Almighty didn’t strike him dead. Well, in a way, God did strike Saul dead. It happened on the Road to Damascus. (Acts 9) And when He did, He raised up a new man; a Saved man; a Justified man; a man named Paul; a man with a tremendous Calling on his life.
Paul had been created by God for the job. He was born with everything he needed to be effective in the Kingdom of God. God knew all about Paul. He had it all planned long before Paul (then Saul) was even born.
One of the most important character traits in Paul was his zeal and his determination to persevere. As we read and study his life and ministry, it is evident that God instilled this in him from birth. No matter what happened to Paul, he kept on. He never gave up and quit.
Paul wrote to the Corinthians about all that he went through in his ministry. He was severely beaten several times, put in prison, and left for dead. Five times he was given 39 lashes by the Jews and beaten with rods three times. He was stoned and shipwrecked three times. He spent a full day and night lost at sea and many times left at the hands of robbers, Jews, Gentiles, city officials, and false brethren. He went without food and water for days and was left in the wilderness, out in the cold without clothes. To say that Paul was persecuted for his faith would be the understatement of the year. You can read his statement about this in 1 Corinthians 11:22-29.
No matter what happened to Paul, he just wouldn’t quit. He was like a Pit Bulldog that latched his jaws onto the work set before him by God. Paul knew that he was doing exactly what God had created him to do and one day he would be rewarded. He wrote to the Galatians about this. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. (Galatians 6:9)
I pray today that you understand that you were created with absolutely everything you need to fulfill God’s Plan and Purpose for your life. I know that you have been through a lot in your life. All that is part of your preparation for what God has for you to do now! All those things were your training ground! You have been through the paces. Now it’s time to step out into what God has prepared you for. Don’t quit now!
Perhaps you have failed a few times. So has everyone else. Failure is no reason to quit. Failures are lessons learned. Don’t quit. Latch on to your Divine Assignment and don’t let go. God can and will work with a failure but He cannot work with a quitter.
Don’t quit now. God is about to…..…….turn the tide……….in your world.
Latched on like a Pit Bulldog! Doreen