February 7, 2025, 3:00 AM

Matthew 8:28-34;   Mark 5:1-20;   Luke 8:26-39


Matthew, Mark, and Luke all describe the miraculous Deliverance of the demon-possessed man. The only difference is Matthew describes it as two men while Mark and Luke recount the story as one man. The rest of the facts of this account are remarkably similar.


As we look at the Biblical description of the demoniac, consider the characteristics of the people of radical Islam and Satanic worshipers.


The man is described in the three Gospels as follows: possessed with devils; exceedingly fierce; lived in the mountains and tombs; chains could not hold him; no man could tame him; cried out night and day; he cut himself with stones; he was naked.


The man was like an animal not unlike that of a wild pit bulldog; mean, fierce, incredibly strong, untamed, and uncontrollable. This is the power of demon spirits in a person or animal.


God creates every person in His Own Image. No one is created demon-possessed, but demons can possess anyone who is not saved and born again through faith in Jesus Christ. All unsaved people are lost and open to demon possession.


When we look at the demons associated with the behavior of the demoniac we find many. In fact, when Jesus asked them who they were, the demons described themselves as We are “Legion” because they were many.  Demon possession changes the behavior of the body they possess; human or animal.


To assess the behavior and assign it to a demon is the beginning of the process of deliverance. We cannot usually see the demons but we do witness the behavior caused by them. Also, the Holy Spirit does give discernment of spirits to some people allowing them to be aware of the demons that are ministering. 


The demoniac was incredibly strong and mean. He had the ability to tear loose chains that the people used to try to hold him. He was loud and screamed day and night. He was self-destructive and like an animal, he wore no clothes. His nakedness also represents his lack of Divine Spiritual Covering. He was without God and spiritually lost.


This man was not born in this condition. God did not create him to be like a wild animal. The demons overtook him completely and possessed him; body, mind, and spirit. 


As we consider the characteristics of those involved in radical Islam and Satanic worship, it becomes apparent that we find the exact same demons at work. These people are possessed. Like the demoniac, their only hope is Jesus.  I pray you are beginning to understand the correlation because knowledge and understanding are a must if we are to overtake this enemy. 


The battle is not with the Muslim people but with the demons that possess them. Elijah Abraham, a prior Muslim converted to Christianity says, “Muslims are people who need Jesus.” Yes, they are. Only Jesus can calm the storm and set the demoniac free!  


Only Jesus can………turn the tide


Only Jesus,      Doreen

