Let Him In!
March 9, 2022, 3:00 AM

Acts 2:15 For these are not drunken, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day.


On the Day of Pentecost in the year 33 A.D. the Temple was filled with thousands of people. The greater majority of them were religious Jews who had come from great distances for the celebration of the Feast Day.


Over in the corner of the grounds, there were about 120 people who were believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. This group was by far the minority present that day but when the mighty rushing wind came across those grounds, every arrogant Jew stopped and paid attention. They were hearing strange voices coming from the 120 crazy people.


As we have been discussing for several days, the strange voices they heard were that of the believers speaking in different languages; tongues. The Miraculous part of it was that every Jew present could understand what they were saying because they heard it in their own native language. This caused them to take notice of what was happening. Of course, there were some who mocked them but most listened.


Then, Peter, filled with Holy Boldness, stood up and began to speak and sternly suggested they listen to what he had to say. But Peter, standing up with the eleven lifted up his voice, and said unto them, you men of Judea, and all you who dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you and hearken to my words. (Acts 2:14)


Then Peter said, For these are not drunken, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. (Acts 2:15) They were not drunk, they were filled with the Holy Spirit which brought upon them great Joy. They had received the Promise of the Father. This is what Jesus had told them about so many times.


What they had was pure Joy. All their cares and worries were gone as they basked in the Presence of the Holy Spirit of God which produces different emotions and responses from people. This is still true today if, and when, the Holy Spirit is welcome and allowed to move among the people. Unfortunately, few congregations of “Christians” welcome Him in their services. Why? Because they don’t know what might happen and they are more concerned with maintaining their time schedule and order than they are allowing the Holy Spirit to move freely among them.


This, my friends, is a pity. The Fruit and Gifts of the Holy Spirit are many and they are all wonderful and exciting. The Power of God to perform Miracles comes by way of the Holy Spirit. Without Him, all we have is groups of people gathered together for fellowship and socialization. This is NOT God’s Plan for His Church.


As we are learning from this study of the Book of Acts, God’s Plan for His Church is to be a continuation of Jesus’ Ministry on earth. Salvation; Healing; Deliverance; Miracles; Baptism in the Holy Spirit; Excitement in the Presence of the Holy Spirit; Joy unspeakable; Peace and of course, Love for Him and for each other. Jesus said, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My Voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. (Revelation 3:20)


Let Him in and He will….….turn the tide


Welcome Holy Spirit,         Doreen

