Live Nativity 2016 - The Story

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Kevin Foskey did a great job as our Greater Shepherd, greeting our guests and starting them on their journey...

Kevin Foskey did a great job as our Greater Shepherd, greeting our guests and starting them on their journey...MaryAnn Berry was a blessing as she shared the story of the Inkeepers wife...Our youngest member of the cast had the loftiest of jobs as she watched over the Story as our Angel...As the Senior member of our King Trio, Joe Crites is always a leader as the Green King...Sophomore member, Wayne Everingham, as our Purple King, was a sight to see as he honored the newborn King...Mark McPherson was a wonderful addition to our Cast this year as our Majestic Red King...Our Kings, and their attendants, with the Holy Family...God bless our Shepherds, who were faithful to take care of the animals, and always took time for our guests...