John 4:10 Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the Gift of God, and Who it is Who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you Living Water.”
In the 4th Chapter of the Book of John, we read the story about Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well. This woman was of ill repute. She had been married five times and was currently living with a man who she was not married to. In addition to this, she was a Samaritan which meant she was half Jewish and half Gentile. These people were not accepted by the Jewish people.
Because of the sin in her life, she was banished by the other women in the community. That’s why she was going to get water in the heat of the day. All the other women went to the well in the morning when it was cool to get water for their families.
Jesus was at the well that day too. His Disciples had gone to town to purchase some food. When the Samaritan woman approached the well, Jesus asked her to draw Him some water to drink. The woman could see that Jesus was a Jew and she was surprised that He even spoke to her. She questioned Him about this. Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. (John 4:9)
Jesus’ answer to this woman is the crux of this Morning Message. Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the Gift of God, and Who it is Who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you Living Water.” (John 4:10) The fact is, this woman had no idea who she was talking to. She went to the well because she and her family needed water. Naturally speaking, they were thirsty. What she didn’t know was how spiritually thirsty she was!
Actually, she was dying of spiritual thirst: sin. The remedy for her dreadful condition was sitting at the well waiting for her. He had everything she needed to be forgiven and set free from the bondage of sin, but she did not recognize the Gift of God even though He was sitting right next to her.
The woman had no idea Who Jesus was or what He was talking about when He spoke of Living Water. After her conversation with Jesus, (John 4:7-26) she received the Gift of God; Living Water, and was born again. That woman dropped her water pot and left the well that day. She ran home to her village and became one of the first Evangelists!
She could not be quiet about her faith in the Gift of God; Jesus Christ Who was now her Savior and Lord. She was free from all her past sins! She was on fire for Jesus and her testimony rang out throughout that city. And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on Him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did. (John 4:39)
I’m afraid that there are millions of people sitting in Churches week after week spiritually lost and thirsty. The Gift of God is right there in front of them and yet, they know Him not. They come to Church thirsty and leave more thirsty.
Most people see themselves as the Samaritan woman saw herself. She was so sinful, that she thought that she was not worthy of even being in the presence of a Jewish man, let alone having a conversation with the Son of the Living God.
This is a travesty because Jesus went to the Cross for all people. No one is exempt from the Gift of God. Your past doesn’t matter. The shed Blood of Jesus on the Cross of Calvary is the Power of God to Atone for your sins. You are worthy of Salvation. The Gift of God is at your fingertips. Reach out and take hold of it. Receive it because it is for you.
Jesus went to the Cross to……..….turn the tide……….in the life of all who will believe.
Praise God for the Living Water! Doreen