Logos And Rhema
September 22, 2023, 3:00 AM

1 Corinthians 1:5 I thank by God always concerning you for the Grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus, that you were enriched in everything by Him in all utterance and all knowledge,


There is nothing more powerful or important than the Word of God. If we just take a moment to think about that, we will come to a conclusion about the truth in that statement. God Almighty, the Creator of the entire Universe; the One who knit us together in our mother’s womb and set in place a specific Plan and Purpose for each of our lives; the One who is Sovereign over all things in this entire world; He has something to say to you and me. Just think about that! Well, it’s true!


The question is not IF God has something to say to us. Rather the question is, HOW do we hear and receive what He has to say to us? The answer to this all-important question is, through His Words. He speaks to us and we hear His Voice.


The Bible as we have it today was originally written (for the most part) in either Hebrew or Greek. What we read today has been translated into English so we can understand it. In the New Testament, we come across the term “word” many times. This is referring to the Word of God. Although we read the term “word” in English, in the original language it was either logos or rhema.


Although both logos and rhema are translated "word", they do not have the same meaning. Logos is the actual written Word of God; the Bible. Rhema is the Word of God that we receive through the utterance of the Holy Spirit of God to our spirit.


Oftentimes we receive a Rhema Word while reading the Logos Word. This happens when we are reading along and all of a sudden the Words on the written page just seem to stand out in BOLD PRINT or literally jump off the page at us. This is a Rhema Word from the Holy Spirit of God. It’s something the Lord REALLY wants us to understand.


Other times, we will receive a Rhema Word while praying or during personal times of worship. Many people will call this a Divine Utterance. It’s a supernatural Revelation that brings about a “knowing” about something.


The Holy Spirit can also speak a Rhema Word through music. Certain lyrics of an Anointed Song can bring tremendous Revelation to the singer or listener. This is another example of the Rhema Word. Songwriters often receive a Rhema Word and they use those Words as lyrics for a song. Those are the songs that are extremely Anointed because the lyrics are literally the Word of God.


Basically, it is a Divine Message from God to a person individually that is received in some way other than the Written Word of God and it will bring revelation, clarity, direction, or a resolution to a current situation, problem, or need.


Whether Logos (written) or Rhema (utterance) the Word of God is literally the single most important thing on the face of the earth today for anyone and everyone. Without it, we are nothing. Without it, we are lost, dying, and headed for eternity in Hell.


However, with it, we stand in need of nothing. …..that you were enriched in everything by Him in all utterance and all knowledge, Hallelujah!



The Word of God will……..….turn the tide……….in anyone’s life!


Thank you Lord for Your Word, written and/or uttered.         Doreen

