Ministry For Profit
September 5, 2022, 3:00 AM

1 Peter 4:10 As each one has received a Gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold Grace of God.


The Doctrine of Balaam is prevalent in much of the Church today. God made it clear in His letter to the Church in Pergamos that He hates this and that it is not to have any part in the Ministry of His Church.


We touched briefly on this yesterday, but the Doctrine of Balaam is multi-faceted in nature and must be discussed in greater detail. A study of Balaam will reveal that this man was a Prophet of God. In Old Testament times, God spoke to His people through His Prophets, and Balaam was called by God for this purpose.


However, Balaam used his God-given Calling for personal gain and self-gratification. The people knew he was a Prophet, so they listened to him and trusted what he said. We must remember that people in those times did not have the Holy Spirit to guide them or teach them. Nor did they have the Fruit of the Spirit or the Gifts of the Spirit. They were dependent on the Prophets of God and the Prophet Balaam was evil to the core.


Balaam tried to sell his Gift. This may seem outlandish but it is happening in the church world today. There are “ministries” that will sell any Gift or Calling you may want to purchase. If you have enough money you can become an Apostle or Prophet of God. I hope you can see that this is not of God and that the people doing this are operating in the Doctrine of Balaam. They will answer for their wrongdoing and according to Jesus’ Letter to Pergamos, they will suffer the judgment of God. Repent, or else I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the Sword of My Mouth. (Revelation 2:16)


The Word of God tells us that He has a specific Plan and Purpose for each of us. We were created with the Gifts and Callings He wants us to have so we will be equipped to fulfill His Purpose for our lives. As each one has received a Gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold Grace of God. (1 Peter 4:10)


We are not to try to buy or sell that which is not ours. All Gifts and Callings come from God and God alone. God has given us exactly what He wants us to have. Those people who are attempting to teach others to be a Prophet or Apostle are operating in the Doctrine of Balaam and they will suffer the same Judgment he did.


As New Covenant believers, we have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside us. Therefore we have the ability to discern the spirits that are operating in our midst. Use this Gift to make wise choices. Any ministry that attempts to buy, sell, or teach a Gift or Calling of God is operating in the Doctrine of Balaam and should be avoided at all costs.


We are not to be a part of this evil work. If you attend a church where these activities are taking place I suggest you repent of your association with them and leave there immediately. This is extremely important my friends and it is very popular today.


God loves you and wants the His best for you. His best is His Son. He has also created you with exactly what you need to fulfill His Plan and Purpose for your life. Be satisfied with what you have been given and seek to use your Gifts for His Kingdom.



Seek God’s Plan for you. It will….…….turn the tide……….in your life.


Thank you Lord for what you have given me.         Doreen