Miracles, Signs, And Wonders
May 4, 2022, 3:00 AM

Acts 2:43 And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the Apostles.


After Peter completed his inaugural message on the Day of Pentecost, 3,000 people repented and gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ. They turned from their wicked ways and followed the only true Way to God the Father. That being, faith in Jesus Christ and His Finished Work on the Cross.


Prior to that time, they made daily sacrifices at the Temple and they believed in what the animal sacrifice signified. Now, there would be no more need for animal sacrifices. The Final Sacrifice had been made. The Messiah had come and willingly laid down His Life on the Cross for the sins of mankind.


The curtain in the Temple was rent in two by the Power of the shed Blood of Christ on the Cross. The Priests had no more power over the people. Their Salvation was now based on their faith in Christ by the Grace of God. What a time to be alive!


Those who were drawn to Salvation by the Holy Spirit and chose to believe in Christ became a part of the New Covenant Church and the Bible tells us that the Miracles Signs and Wonders continued. Acts 2:43 says, And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the Apostles. When the Presence of the Holy Spirit is felt by people they can’t help but stop and bask in His Presence. The word “fear” does not mean they were afraid but rather astonished by the awesome Presence of God in which they found themselves.


This Presence of the Holy Spirit is what every Church should be seeking today and every day. As we have discussed so many times before here in the Morning Message, the Holy Spirit is the Power Source of God. Without Him, nothing Miraculous happens.


Unfortunately, many (if not most) churches today do not invite the Holy Spirit into their midst. He is locked up somewhere and not invited to their service. What a pity! And then the people wonder why their service is spiritually flat; no one gets saved, no one gets healed, and no one is delivered from the bondage of sin in their lives. Where there is no moving of the Holy Spirit, there is nothing of God.


Although these people may believe Jesus died on the Cross for their sins, they have never experienced the moving and operation of the Holy Spirit. Church services like this are nothing more than a place where friends come together, sing a couple of songs, take up an offering, and hear a short word from the man in charge. Afterward they go to lunch with their friends and call it a day. THIS IS NOT GOD’S PATTERN FOR HIS CHURCH! Far from it!


Jesus was all about Miracles, Signs, and Wonders. We are to be an extension and continuation of His Ministry. The First Church got it right. They saw Miracles, Signs, and Wonders because they followed God’s Pattern.


This is what we strive for here at Betts Ministries in Caney, Oklahoma. You are welcome to join us every Sunday at 1:30 pm. If you can’t be here in person, you can watch our services on our website or on youtube.


God’s Pattern for His Church will……….turn the tide……..in the Church.


Thank you God for giving us a Pattern to follow.         Doreen

