Miracles Today
January 3, 2023, 3:00 AM

Acts 6:8 And Stephen, full of faith and Power, did great Wonders and Miracles among the people.


There is a false teaching in the Church community today that declares that all Miracles and Wonders concluded when the last of the Twelve Apostles died. When I am confronted with this belief, the Holy Spirit quickly reminds me of Stephen.


Stephen was a part of the fellowship of the First Church. As we discussed yesterday, he was called with six others to be the first Deacons of the Church but he went on to be an Evangelist. Luke, the writer of the Book of Acts, tells us that Stephen was a man of great faith, very well versed in the Word of God, and filled with the Holy Spirit. His writings also tell us that Stephen performed Miracles although he was not one of the original Twelve Apostles.


We do not know if Stephen ever personally witnessed the Ministry of Jesus because the Bible does not tell us one way or the other. However, it could be that Stephen did see Jesus and/or hear Him teach given that the Book of Acts was written in the year 33 A.D. One could surmise that Stephen was approximately the same age as Jesus, but there again, we don’t know when he was born.


Nor do we know how old Stephen was when appointed to be one of the first Deacons. However, it is believed that he was a rather young man and all the drawings of him portray him as such. While all this is supposition, what we do know is that Stephen had great faith in Christ and God used him to perform great Miracles among the people. And Stephen, full of faith and Power, did great Wonders and Miracles among the people. (Acts 6:8)


I share this with you today so that when someone tells you that all Spiritual Gifting, including Miracles and Divine Healing, concluded with the Apostles, simply ask them to share their thoughts about Stephen and how they explain this single Passage of Scripture. And Stephen, full of faith and Power, did great Wonders and Miracles among the people. (Acts 6:8) In the days to come we will study more about the life and Ministry of Stephen and others.


We must put all false teaching to bed in these last days. The Lord God Almighty is still at work in our lives. He still uses people to perform Miracles. All the Spiritual Gifts are still in operation. God has not cut us off and His Work did not conclude with the Twelve Apostles.


God has a Plan for your life. He wants to use you in His Kingdom. You have been created and Gifted for something very special. Don’t let other people rob you of what God created you to do. Seek Him with all your heart and you will be amazed at what you find. Live for Him every day because we have no guarantee of tomorrow.



God will soon……..….turn the tide


Living for Jesus,         Doreen

