Now And Then
September 26, 2021, 3:00 AM

Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.


Jesus came that we may have Abundant Life. What is Abundant Life? What is included in it? As we learned yesterday, Abundant Life consists of anything and everything we personally believe Jesus accomplished on the Cross of Calvary.


So, what do you believe Jesus did for YOU? Your answer to this question will define what you CURRENTLY believe is included in YOUR Abundant Life. It doesn’t mean that’s all there is, it simply means that’s all you are aware of or claim at this time.


As we continue to study the Word, pray and seek God for more, our faith grows and our personal Abundant Life will become greater and greater. Our lives as Christians are about NOW and THEN. God has a Plan for both. NOW is Abundant Life here on earth. THEN is Everlasting Life in Heaven. His Plan is for both to be wonderful for His children.


The Apostle Paul wrote: For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:26) Anyone who has faith in Jesus and His Finished Work on the Cross, is a son (or child) of God. This faith gives us a new identity and position in the Kingdom of God. It is the first thing on the list of what your Abundant Life consists of.


Knowing your identity is of the utmost importance in defining your Abundant Life. First and foremost we must understand who we are in Christ. We know who we are in the world but who are we in the Kingdom of God? Our name may be the same, but our position is by no means the same.


How would you answer if I asked you: Who are you and what do you do? Your answer to this question defines your identity. Would you say, I am _(your name) and I am a child of God Called by Him to __(your ministry). Until you can answer in this manner, you are not sure of your own identity in Christ. Every child of God has been Gifted and Called to do something to further the Kingdom of God. This is your true identity.


Do you know what that is? If not, you have not even began to touch the surface of your Abundant Life Jesus died for you to have. It’s a life-long journey and it gets sweeter and sweeter every day as we seek more of Him. As the old song says, Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before. No matter how much you know or have, there’s always more; a lot more.


Jesus died to.……….Turn The Tide……… your life.


Day by day, Doreen