Our Mediator
November 17, 2021, 3:00 AM

1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, Christ Jesus,


God has put in place Order for everything. For the past couple of days we have been discussing the New Covenant Communication Triangle God has set in place for us. This was not so in Old Testament times. In those days, God spoke to people through His Word and through His Prophets. Occasionally, the Holy Spirit would visit God’s people but He did not dwell in them as He does now under the New Covenant.


When God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the final Sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary, be buried and Resurrected, everything changed. This is when this new Communication Triangle was instituted by God for us, His people; those who choose to believe in His Son.


As stated, God’s Communication Plan is a Triangle. At the top of the Triangle is our Heavenly Father, God. On the bottom left corner is Jesus and the Holy Spirit is on the bottom right corner. We, the people, are all on the bottom line and we are all equal to one another. No one is better than anyone else. God is no respecter of persons. (Acts 10:34)


God wants the very best for all His children. For weeks we have been discussing all the Benefits of being a born again believer. God wants us to have all this but we must observe and be respectful of His Order for our lives. When we find ourselves out of order (in any area of our lives) God is not pleased.


Since before the foundations of the earth, God’s Plan was instituted by Him. The New Covenant was new to the people on earth but it was not new to God. It was His Plan all the time. God sent His Only Son to die on the Cross for the sins of the world. Prior to this, Jesus was the Word of God. (John 1:14) When Jesus completed His Work, everything changed. Nothing would ever be the same again including the role of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God, the Father, is the same as He always has been and He will never change. I am the Lord and I do not change. (Malachi 3:6) He sits high and lifted up at the top. No person or demon of Hell can or will ever change that. As the song goes, God is God and He always will be God.


Life on the bottom line is not easy. It’s hard work building the Kingdom of God. The enemy attacks us constantly and we need help. We also need provision and protection, all of which are available to us IF we approach the GIVER of all things in the right way; that being God’s Order of Communication between us and Him. The way we approach God the Father is through His Son, Jesus. He is our Mediator, Advocate and Intercessor. (Hebrews 7:25; 2 John 2:1; Romans 8:34; 1 Timothy 2:5)


We have all prayed for things and it seems like our prayer is not getting through to God. We know and believe He is more than able to do this for us, but it’s not happening. Why? God has His reasons for doing and not doing things, but first and foremost, we must be observant of His Order of Communication. Jesus told us to ask in His Name. He said, Until now you have asked nothing in My Name. (John 16:24)


We are not able to go directly to God the Father with anything. To think that we can bypass God’s Order for anything is the height of arrogance and pride and we all know how God feels about that. Jesus is our mediator, advocate and intercessor. He is our access to God the Father. There is a right way and a wrong way to do everything. That’s order. We would be well advised to do things in order.


Obedience to God’s Order will……….turn the tide……….in your life.


From the bottom line, Doreen

