John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.
The Helper Jesus spoke about is the Holy Spirit of God. As stated yesterday, He is the greatest Promise of God to believers in Christ. He is to us what the Man Christ Jesus was to the Disciples when He walked this earth; Teacher, Guide, Counselor, Healer, Comforter, Deliverer……..EVERYTHING! There was nothing Jesus could not do and likewise, there is nothing the Holy Spirit cannot do. They are God!
Satan hates this! He does everything in his power to keep believers from being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Satan knows the Power of the Spirit and he does not want us to operate in that Power. His objective is to steal, kill, and destroy and he is bound and determined to do so. (John 10:10)
When the Word of God was translated into English, a lot got lost in the translation. The Greek word for Helper is PARACLETE. The actual translation is “One called alongside to help.” Solomon described this in Proverbs 18:24 But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
This is why Satan has convinced so many believers that the Holy Spirit is no longer here with us. My friends, this is a lie straight from Hell. The Promise of God (the Holy Spirit) is still our Paraclete; Helper. He is with us but it is our responsibility to listen to Him, take His advice and be obedient to His Guidance and Teaching.
How foolish it is to reject the Words of God’s Teacher. It’s ridiculous to cast off the Divine Guidance, Counsel, and Direction of God. It is idiotic, stubborn, and irresponsible to not accept Divine Help in our time of need. Is the rejection of the Holy Spirit foolish, ridiculous, idiotic, stubborn, and irresponsible, or is it prideful?
What is the Holy Spirit to you? How would you define His place in your life? What does He do for you? These questions are extremely important because your answers will define what you really believe about God’s ability to provide all you need. He has sent you the Helper; the One who has all the answers to all your questions; the One who can bring to you absolutely everything you are longing for.
Cast off the lies of the enemy and the prideful spirit that he sends. Be humble. We all need help. God has sent THE Helper. Accept Him and His Teaching, Guidance, Counseling, Direction, Healing, Deliverance, Comfort, Companionship, as well as anything else you may need. He is your paraclete; God’s Promise to you because of your faith in the Finished Work of Jesus on the Cross of Calvary. What more could we ask for?
God sent the Holy Spirit to……..….turn the tide……….in your life.
I need you, Holy Spirit. Doreen