1 Timothy 2:3-4 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth.
In every Last Will and Testament, there are beneficiaries. These are the people who will receive what the testator wishes for them upon their death. There is no limit on how many beneficiaries there may be and many times the testator inserts certain conditions that must be met before the benefits are disbursed.
God has written two Testaments. In the first, or Old Testament, the people mentioned were the Jews. They were God’s chosen people and if they met the conditions and kept the precepts God set in place, they would receive the benefits.
In the second, or New Testament, no person on earth is excluded. Every person can be included IF they meet the conditions set in place by the Heavenly Father. That’s right, YOU and I are named in God’s Last Will and Testament!
In both the Old and the New Testaments of God, the benefits are countless; the most important being forgiveness of sin (Redemption) and everlasting life in Heaven. Our time here on earth is but a blink of the eye in comparison to the time we will spend in eternity. Our spirit will live forever and how we choose to respond to God’s Testament will determine that place.
We could go on for a very long time listing all of the benefits for the beneficiaries of God’s Testament. They are all written in the New Testament of God. If you haven’t already, you should read it and see what God has promised you.
To receive all of what God has for us is not hard. It’s all about the conditions God has set in place. Actually, there is only one condition. That’s all, just one. We don’t have to DO anything. All we have to do is believe. That’s it! Believe in what? Believe in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Belief and faith in the Sacrificial system has ALWAYS been God’s condition for salvation. In the Old Testament times, people placed their faith in the sacrifice of lambs brought to the Altar of God and in the Messiah who was to come.
The New Testament requires people to believe in the Sacrifice of THE Lamb of God who is the Messiah and has already come!
In both cases and for all time, the condition of God’s Testament is, and has always been, BELIEF in the Sacrifice. For us it means putting our total faith in the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. The moment in time when Jesus gave up His spirit and said, “It is Finished” everything changed! God’s New Testament was established and the new conditions were put in place.
These are the times in which we live. Every person has the opportunity to have their name written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life which will ensure them their eternal place in Heaven. In addition to that, there are countless blessings and benefits that come with being counted in that number.
I pray your name is there written there. If it is, you are a part of the Family of God; the Body of Christ. All the benefits are yours for the taking. There are many, read the Will.
The Will of God can……..turn the tide
Reading the Will, Doreen