Replicate The Ministry Of Jesus
March 31, 2022, 3:00 AM

1 John 3:8 For this purpose the Son of Man was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.


As we continue our quest for God’s Pattern for His Church in the Book of Acts, it is quickly becoming apparent that the modern church is not in line with His Pattern. Actually, there is very little about it that's similar.


If the Church is to be a continuation of the Ministry of Jesus, then the Purpose He was sent for should be the purpose of the church. A building is not the Church. The Church consists of people; the Body of Christ. While no one will ever be equal to Jesus, together we encompass Him. Jesus was God. The Man, Christ Jesus, possessed all the Callings of God and operated in all of the Spiritual Gifts as well as every other Gift of God. Together, united and in one accord, the Body of Christ has it all too.


The overall Purpose of Jesus coming to Earth was to destroy the works of the devil. John wrote this. For this purpose the Son of Man was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8) Jesus accomplished His Work on Crucifixion Day on the Cross of Calvary, 2,000 years ago, when He said, “It is Finished.” (John 19:30)


He defeated the power of the enemy in our lives (the works of the devil) but He did not destroy the Devil or his demon spirits. They are still very much alive and operating in the world today. Jesus said, The enemy comes but to kill, steal, and destroy but I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)


In his first Sermon to the people, Peter told of the mighty Works and Sacrifice of Jesus. That sermon resulted in 3,000 people being saved that day. We are to do the same. Believers went about Healing people and casting out demons in the Name of Jesus. These Miracles caused the Kingdom of God to grow too.


The believers of the First Church did what they could to replicate the Ministry of Jesus each in their own Calling and Gifting. Together, as one Body, dedicated and surrendered to the Ministry, the Church grew in numbers every day.


As believers in Jesus Christ, we all have a part to play in the building of the Kingdom of God. This is our purpose for living. Anything and everything else is trivial and of no consequence. You have been Created, Called, and Gifted to do something spectacular in the Kingdom of God. If you don’t know what your purpose is, pray and ask God to reveal it to you. He will do this for you. Ask and He will answer. He wants you to fulfill your earthly purpose in life.



Surrendering to God’s Purpose will……….turn the tide……… your life.


Surrendered,         Doreen