Revelation Of Truth
November 1, 2022, 3:00 AM

Ephesians 4:12 For the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ.


Yesterday, we discussed the courage of Martin Luther to stand for what he knew was the Truth of the Word of God. This is the call on each of us today. Many Christians have been taught to go along with whatever the denomination says and listen to the man at the top of the said denomination. To listen to leaders is one thing but to obey them is a decision that must be made after much study of the Word of God.


In the days of Martin Luther, the Catholic Church ruled and the Pope was the leader. The Church taught the people that the Pope was the Voice of God and they should listen to and obey him. They did not have the Bible to read for themselves. The only thing they had was the voice of the man at the top and they had been taught to believe his every word. This was the law of the Church and unfortunately, it still is today.


Pope Leo X was an evil man but the people followed him because they had been taught to believe him and trust every word he spoke. It took the strength and courage of a young man named Martin Luther to stand against him. Luther knew that the Church may kill him but he had to do what was right in the eyes of God. He had to take a stand for Jesus and the Word of God no matter what.


Luther believed that the people deserved to know the Truth of the Word of God so he spent hours studying, praying, and seeking the Voice of God. Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)


God had a specific Plan for the life of Martin Luther. Born in 1483, God created him with a brilliant mind and the ability to learn and discern the truth. God had to get his attention by putting him in the midst of a severe thunderstorm. It was there that young Martin Luther promised to submit himself to the Lord and once he said yes to God, there was no turning back. Consequently, the entire Christian world was changed forever.


Martin Luther was alive on earth at an exact time and place for a specific purpose. That being to expose the evil that had made its way into the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Martin Luther did what he was created to do. He fulfilled God’s Plan and Purpose for his life. Once he took his eyes off himself and fully submitted his life to the study of Christ and Him Crucified, everything changed not only for him but for all believers, everywhere!


God created Martin Luther with a brilliant mind and Gifted him to be a Teacher. He also gave him great courage which is a necessary character trait of every believer if they are going to make a positive difference in the Kingdom of God. All Gifts and Callings of God are for the edification and building up of the Body of Christ. If not used for that purpose, they are wasted.


You see, Martin Luther knew in his heart that what the Pope and the other leaders of the Church were doing was not right. So, he sought the Truth of the Word of God and he found it. When God gave Luther the Revelation of the fact that people are saved by faith and not by works, he knew it to be the Truth. This Truth set him free and he knew it would set everyone free if they could just hear it. Luther believed the Word of Jesus who said, You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)



The Truth of the Word of God will……….turn the tide……….in your life.


Believing the Truth!         Doreen