Rise And Shine
February 1, 2025, 3:00 AM

Isaiah 60:1  Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.


The awakening of a group of people begins with the sounding of an alarm. The light sleepers will quickly wake up while the sound sleepers continue in their slumber. Some fight the alarm and refuse to hear it. They put the covers over their heads as they prefer to stay in the darkness of the night and not face what the new day has to offer.


There is an old song we used to sing to wake people up at camp. The lyrics to the chorus say, Rise and shine and give God your glory, glory. Rise and shine give God your glory, glory, children of the Lord. 


This song was the every morning “wake up call” for all campers and sung each morning at 6:00 am. When heard, everyone knew it was time to rise and shine. This song comes from the Scripture Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.


Most of the campers would get up at the first alarm, but I can remember at times we would have to literally pull the covers off some of the kids and force them to get up. Those who absolutely refused would eventually have water poured on them. With that, they would get up.


It is time for the Body of Christ to Rise and Shine! The alarm has sounded. It’s time to wake up, get on our feet and give God the glory because we are children of the Lord. The time of slumber has come to an end. There is reason to wake up! There is work to be done! We are the workers in the field. The Harvest is ripe and the enemy is in the camp. 


Rise and shine my friends! The alarm has sounded. That means me. That means you. That means all of us!  Open your eyes. Get out of bed. Put your feet on the floor and stand up! God is calling you to do your part. You cannot respond to God’s call if you insist on remaining asleep. 


When God’s people rise and shine, He will……..turn the tide


Up!      Doreen

