November 28, 2023, 3:00 AM

Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.


Of all the many Names/Titles given to Jesus, the most common and yet most important is SAVIOR. The word savior means someone who saves another from danger, difficulty, and death. This definition says it all when it comes to Jesus being our Savior because His Finished Work on the Cross of Calvary was everything God the Father required to defeat the penalty and power of sin in our lives.


For every born-again believer, our SAVIOR, Jesus Christ, has indeed Saved us from all that Satan attacks us with. Jesus said, The thief comes but to kill, steal, and destroy but I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) This single statement made by Jesus describes the life of every person on earth. Satan’s goal is to destroy us and have us spend eternity in Hell with him. He and all his fallen angels and demons work very hard to accomplish this in everyone and unfortunately, most are destroyed by him.


However, Jesus came to Save us from all this! No one has to live under the power and influence of Satan and no one has to spend eternity in Hell. Jesus came to be the SAVIOR of the whole world! He came to set us free from every attack of the enemy. He came and gave His Life on the Cross of Calvary so that we may live an abundant life here on this earth now and spend eternity in Heaven with Him.


Everyone who professes to be a Christian believes that Jesus died on the Cross for them. They believe that when they die they will not go to Hell but they will instead go to Heaven. Unfortunately, for many, this is all they believe. Their faith in Christ is nothing more than long-term fire insurance.


While this is absolutely true and wonderful, there is far more to being a born-again believer in Christ. His Finished Work on the Cross provided us literally everything we have from God! He said, I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) Abundant Life includes everything God has for us! Satan doesn’t want us to have anything. In fact, he wants us to live in poverty, pain, sickness, grief, pity, hate, rage, anger, jealousy, abuse, torture, and death.


Jesus came to Save us from all this! This is why He came to earth! None of what Satan has for us is included in abundant life. It is actually all the opposite. Therefore, we each have a choice to make. We can choose Satan or we can choose Jesus. Actually, if you don’t choose Jesus you automatically get Satan since we are all born with the sin nature.


So, who do you choose? Today is the Day of Salvation. Jesus died to be your SAVIOR. He gave His Life so you can have abundant life here on earth and spend eternity in Heaven with Him. Will you say yes to Jesus today?


O what a Savior, O Hallelujah! His Heart was broken on Calvary. His Hands were nail scarred, His Side was riven, He gave His Lifeblood for even me.



Accepting Jesus as your SAVIOR will………..turn the tide……….in your world!


O what a Savior!         Doreen