Seek His Righteousness
December 17, 2024, 3:00 AM

Isaiah 5:20  Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!


“Right” and “wrong” exist, and have existed since the fall of Adam and Eve. People try to justify their sinful actions and determine that they are their own judge and can decide for themselves if their actions are right or wrong. This is a fallacy. 


God has set in place what is right and wrong and man cannot change it. We can write laws of the land and declare rules for our home, but what God says is right and wrong will ultimately stand. While some people like it or not, the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Laws of the Land are all founded on the Ten Commandments and the Holy Word of God.


God created the entire universe and has determined what is right and what is wrong. No person can change that. When anyone goes against what God says is right, they are wrong and acting in sin.


God does not go against His own Law or Creation. Just as He would never create a cat that barks like a dog or a horse that produces cow’s milk, He will not, and has never created a male to be a female or vice versa. Such a thing would go against God’s own plan for the procreation of the human race.


Many people living in the sin of homosexuality proclaim to be born that way. That is a lie and deep down inside themselves, they know it. They may never admit it, but they do know it. It is no different than any other sin. When we tell a lie, we know it. When we steal, we know it. When we commit adultery, we know it. When we sin, we know it. These people are sinning, and they know it.


Cathy McPherson, a dear friend of the ministry here in Caney, made a statement on this subject that is well worth repeating. She said, “Homosexuals are not born that way, BUT even if they were, the Word of God says, to be saved one must be “born again.” 


Being “born again” brings real change to the life of every individual. With Salvation comes the Holy Spirit and He immediately begins changing the person from the inside, out. A truly born again person will change. It happens over a period of time, but the Holy Spirit will bring conviction to the heart of every born again believer and reveal to them the sin in their lives. 


Christians do not want to sin. They hate the sin in their lives and desire to stop doing it. We all have a sin nature and we are all sinners, but truly born again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, WANT God to convict them of their sin so they can be more like Him. 


The Holy Spirit of God is our Teacher, Counselor and Guide and the only thing He will ever teach, counsel and guide us to is the…..RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD; that which is right in the Eyes of God. The Holy Spirit will NEVER lead anyone into sin. That is the work of Satan and his demons. 


When we seek the righteousness of God, we will find it. Jesus said, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. 


When God’s people seek His Righteousness, He will……..turn the tide


So glad to be born again!      Doreen