Genesis 37:12-13 And his (Joseph’s) brethren went to feed their father’s flock in Shechem. And Israel (Jacob) said unto Joseph, Do not your brethren feed the flock in Shechem? Come and I will send you unto them. And he (Joseph) said to him (Jacob), “Here am I.”
Our study of the parallels between Joseph and Jesus becomes stronger and stronger with every verse!
Here we see that Jacob (Joseph’s father) sent him into the hands of his brothers who were so jealous of him, they hated him. Joseph and Jacob both knew how his brothers felt, and yet Jacob sent him and Joseph went willingly and said, “Here am I.”
Skip ahead 1,700 years. God, the Father, knew the brethren (the Jews) hated Jesus. All their hate came out of the spirit of jealousy. Their power and position was at stake because of Jesus. They would do anything to hinder the ministry of Jesus, and plotted to kill Him, but God had a Plan and it would play out exactly as He orchestrated it!
When Jacob told Joseph he would have to go out to where his brothers were he said, “Here am I.” When God sent Jesus into the hands of the Pharisees and Sadducees, He said, “Nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” The parallel here is phenomenal!
You may be in a situation where you feel like God is sending you into the hands of the enemy. Listen for His Voice and Direction. He has a Plan and He wants to use you in a mighty way. He never said it would be easy.
Obedience to the Call of God on our lives is the recurring theme throughout the entire Bible and history of man. We see it over and over again. When the Great Prophet, Isaiah, heard the Voice of the Lord he responded exactly the same way. Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)
Every great character in the entire Bible answered in the same manner. They may not have done it immediately, but in the end, they did. If we want to be used by God in a mighty way, we must answer His Call in the same way.
Just think what the Kingdom of God could do if all God’s people stopped resisting Him and surrendered their all to His Call! Whatever He is asking you to do, I pray you have the courage to say, “Here am I! Send me.” These are the words God longs to hear from you. Are you willing?
God’s Plan will work out and He WILL ……..turn the tide
Here am I! Send me! ! Doreen