December 31, 2022, 3:00 AM

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men.


The Book of Acts provides the Lord’s example for His Church. When carefully studied, one will emerge with God’s prescribed Pattern for the local Church. Over the years many aspects of God’s Pattern have been eliminated and/or added because people want things their way instead of according to what God says.


When we look at the Church today, one of the first things we find is denominations. These are not found in the Book of Acts at all. Therefore, they are not Scriptural and should not be. As of late, we find more and more congregations of believers in what has become known as non-denominational. While these are Scriptural they are frowned upon by those in denominational churches. It’s easy to see the pride associated with denominationalism because these people believe their way to be the only right way and everyone else to be wrong or lower than themselves.


Also, in the Church today we find hierarchy which always results in positions and titles. In most cases, the people holding these high offices have been voted on by the peons in the lower ranks of the denomination. It’s obvious to see the pride associated here as well.


Pride in any way, shape, or form is not a good thing. God sees all people in one of two categories: lost or saved. That’s it. While there are natural leaders, teachers, administrators, etc., we are all nothing more than servants in the Kingdom of God.


If anyone was worthy of a title in the First Church, it would be the original twelve Disciples who actually walked with Jesus during His Ministry. However, none of them were given any title at all. They, like all the rest, were Ministers of the Gospel of Christ devoted to the building of the Kingdom of God through Salvation.


The great Apostle Paul said it like this: Whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men. (Colossians 3:23) We are all called to serve in the Kingdom of God somewhere and somehow. We are created with certain abilities and natural talents. God has created us with these things to be used in His Kingdom and not the world. The Kingdom of God is our place to use what God has created us with. It is not a place of employment or a job opportunity. All service is to be freely given and to benefit and build the Kingdom of God of which we are all both citizens and servants.



Servanthood will……….turn the tide……….in your life.


His servant,         Doreen