Luke 8:16 No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light.
The Word of God is consistent. Throughout, we read about light and darkness. The Light always represents Christ who is the Light of the World. Darkness is representative of evil and wickedness.
The fact (both in the natural and spiritual) that light will dispel darkness, inevitably results in hope. Darkness is a scary place. Therefore, we leave a night light on. The dimmest of lights can provide enough light to see.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY Light and the ONLY Hope for all people. He is all anyone needs for peace and abundant life. When we are saved and born again, the Light is turned on in our soul and we begin a life of Hope. We are set free from the bondage of sin and shame. We are not perfect but we can live in peace because of our faith in the One who was! Hallelujah!
When we study countries around the world, we discover a very interesting fact. Those countries where the Word of God and Christianity is prevalent, the people live in freedom. On the contrary, countries where cults and false religion dominates, the people suffer from tyranny.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see this. It’s evident. Judeo-Christian countries are not run by dictators because the Word of God speaks against tyranny. Everywhere around the world, where the Body of Christ is strong, you find freedom and hope in the people. Why? Because Christ is the essence of Freedom.
There is no other source of Freedom except Jesus Christ. Where there is freedom there is hope. The two go hand in hand. If we were to take the time to dissect every aspect of human life we would conclude that in every area, man needs Christ to have Hope and Freedom.
Since the signing of our Declaration of Independence, America has been a destination of Hope and Freedom for people around the world. They have left their homelands by the millions in search of a place where they can live without fear of tyranny. This is what America was founded on and has always stood for.
We have been such a country because of our faith in God, His Son and His Word. There is no other source of Hope or Freedom. All else is of the enemy and results in darkness, dictatorship, tyranny, and disdain.
America is at a crossroads in her history. If she is to continue as the Leader of the Free World, she cannot turn her back on God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible. We have allowed the Light to become extremely dim as we have hidden it behind the closed doors of churches and homes. We have listened to the evil words of men who tell us we cannot praise God in the streets or pray in public. We have allowed the establishment to take Christ out of Christmas and the Resurrection out of Easter. We have hidden the Light and now we are wondering why we are living in darkness.
Wake up America TURN THE LIGHT BACK ON! The Light of the World used to shine bright in America and we lived with hope and in freedom. The Light of Christ is in YOU! Stop hiding it under your bed! Let it shine OUTSIDE your house. Let it shine everywhere you go. People need the Light. You have it! America needs the Light. You have it! Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!
When the Light of Christ shines bright, God will……..turn the tide
Shining, Doreen